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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Cover Crop Highlight: Buckwheat

Cover Crop Highlight: Buckwheat

Buckwheat is an amazing cover crop that is often overlooked. While there are many great cover crop options, buckwheat has several advantageous and valuable characteristics worth keeping around. Its strongest advantage is its quick growth. Exactly how long you should...

wheat tops

Winter Rye - An Outstanding Cover Crop

Written By Lara Wadsworth Winter Rye is one of the most commonly planted cover crops in many of the northern states. It holds this title for good reason. The numerous benefits of planting Winter Rye undoubtedly outweigh any potential difficulties....

rudbeckia field

8 Flowers For Fall Planting

Written By Lara Wadsworth We all know about the spring rush to get our gardens planted before too much of the growing season passes. However, did you know that a wide variety of plants, especially wildflowers, will thrive in the...

front portch

5 Plants to Brighten Your Patio Space

Written By Chris Tweten Plants add so much to the overall aesthetic of your home. It can bring zen, boost curb appeal, and make your home look more inviting. But you need to find the right type of plants if...

sheep grazing

Forage Crops For Sheep

Published August 08, 2023 Written By Lara Wadsworth It is widely known that sheep need high-quality forage options to reach their nutrition needs. Forage crops are often a sheep's main source of food and energy during the growing seasons. This...

Texas Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush wildflower meadow

8 Undeniable Benefits of Wildflowers

Published August 08, 2023 Written By Lara Wadsworth Many of us dream of the perfect wildflower garden. The stunning and vibrant flowers burst forth like fireworks in the spring and remain until the frost. It is low-maintenance and easy to...

mustard cover crop in the mountains

Mustard - The Golden Cover Crop

Published August 08, 2023 Written By Lara Wadsworth Many of us think of mustard as a crop grown on its own. This is true. It is great for many reasons. But, it also pairs well with many other cover crop...

gardener and chickens

Forage Crops For Chickens

Written By Lara Wadsworth Chickens love to forage. Not only is allowing your chickens to feed on pasture good for getting them the nutrition they need, but it also leads to happier and healthier chickens all around. The exercise and...

Black-eye peas, cowpeas

2023 Scholarship Winner - Siddhartha Shankar Bhattacharyya - The Multifaceted Benefits of Cowpeas

Written By Siddhartha Shankar Bhattacharyya Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an annual leguminous crop, extensively cultivated for its ability to thrive in nutrient-poor sandy soils and in regions with limited rainfall, such as semi-arid areas. This plant is capable of biological...

Stratified poppy seeds

Seed Stratification - Fall Planting

Published 5 Nov, 2021 Updated 15 Aug, 2023 Stratification is the process of mimicking seasonal climate conditions to trigger germination in seeds. These may include changing temperatures, humidity, or light cycles. Seeds such as native plants, wildflowers, and perennial flowers...

cow standing in the mountains

Forage Crops For Cattle

Written By Lara Wadsworth Forage crops for cattle are some of the best ways to ensure that your cattle, whether beef or dairy, get the necessary nutrients. It is a cost-effective process that is easy to maintain and offers ample...

pea cover crop

Cover Crops For Increasing Soil Nutrients

Cover crops have many benefits. They can improve soil quality characteristics like drainage, tilth, reduced compaction, etc. But one of the most unique functions is their ability to improve soil nutrients organically. When a cover crop with nutritional benefits is...

holding carrots

The Fall Garden Basics

Once you finish your summer harvest, it may seem like the garden is done for the season. Don’t stop! Many people mistakenly think the arrival of fall means you have to stop growing. Really, it is the perfect “second spring.”...

Mizuna with soil background

5 Reasons Everyone Should Grow Mizuna

Written By Lara Wadsworth Mizuna is a delicious and unique Asian mustard green that should be more popular than it is. It is quickly gaining popularity anywhere that it is being used. Everyone should grow Mizuna because: It is easy...

green field of oats

Cover Crops - A Climate Solution

Written By Chelsea Hafer In the quest for sustainable agriculture and mitigating climate change, farmers and land managers are increasingly turning to cover crops as a powerful solution. Cover crops, also known as green manure, are non-cash crops grown primarily...

assorted squashes

Squash - Guide to Common Pests and Disease

Written By Lara Wadsworth Squash plants got you down? They are a Cucurbitaceae family member, which means they are afflicted by many of the same pests and diseases as cucumbers, pumpkins, and watermelons. This article is intended to identify the...

wildflowers with a rising sun

Creating an Urban Meadow Garden

Urban Meadow Gardens are all about bringing vegetation back into city spaces. While some people really enjoy the feeling of being in a big city with tall buildings, busy streets, and sidewalks for miles, they still crave the feeling of...

tractor tilling green field

Methods For Terminating Cover Crops

Cover crops are one of the most helpful ways to improve soil quality and prevent erosion. But, they can become quite the weed if not handled properly. Cover Crops are meant to be grown as short-term crops between cash crops...

radish microgreens

On Sprouting and Safety

Updated 25 July 2023 Published 2 December 2015 Scientists and health enthusiasts have raved about the nutritional benefits of sprouts for years. It has been said that sprouts will fight diseases because of the phytochemicals they contain. Organic compounds, called...

bok choy grey background

Guide to Heat Tolerant Bok Choy

Bok choy Brassica rapa var. chinensis is a leafy green vegetable of the cabbage family. They are available with green or white stems, rosette shapes (Brassica chinensis var. narinosa), and flowering types (includes Choy Sum). Other names for Pak Choi...

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