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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Fertilizing Microgreens!

Fertilizing Microgreens!

Updated 18 July 2023 By now, we’re all familiar with fertilizer when it comes to growing garden vegetables and flowers. When the cotyledon leaves appear on your seedlings, it’s a sign your young plants have used their reserves. Its roots...

bowl of oats

Oat Seeds Explained

When it comes to oats, the terminology used to describe the seed may get a little confusing. We are setting out to clear the air and help you use the best seed options for growing, sprouting, milling, and more! Some...

intercropping with corn

Choosing No-Till Cover Crops

When it comes to growing cover crops, no-till methods are commonly mentioned. But what are they? And what are the benefits? No-till is a method of farming that has risen in popularity as people are increasingly supporting organic growing practices....


Tips for Growing Lemongrass From Seed

Lemongrass is one of the most popular herbs used throughout Asia. It makes an appearance in several popular dishes, teas, medicinal, and beauty applications. While growing lemongrass from seed isn’t hard, it can be tricky if you don’t know what...

pea blossom cover crop

Winter-Killed vs. Overwintering Fall Cover Crops

How to Plant Cover Crops Cover crops are a fantastic tool to keep your garden in tip-top shape. But how should a cover crop be planted? The most common way of actually spreading the seed is by broadcasting. Broadcasting means...

lavender and bees

10 Ways to Use Lavender

Written By Lara Wadsworth Lavender is a gorgeous woody perennial bush that is fragrant, delicious, and beautiful to look at. A lot of people will plant it in their yard and leave it at that. While this approach isn’t wrong,...

Pea cover crop field

What Are Cover Crops And Green Manures Used For?

Cover crops and green manures are plants grown because of their soil restoration properties to combat detrimental soil erosion, suppress weeds, and restore depleted soils. These plants can help deposit important nutrients into the soil to be used by other...

trays of microgreens growing in a greenhouse

Microgreens & Wheatgrass: Control the Moisture, Control the Mold

Updated July 5, 2023 Growing Microgreens and Wheatgrass can be some of the most rewarding small-scale gardening because your crop is done so quickly—and frankly, because it tastes so good! However, since growing Wheatgrass and Microgreens require a substantial amount...

chlorosis raspberry leaves

Why Are My Leaves Discolored?

Plants aren’t exactly the easiest things to care for. Just like a child can catch a cold or develop a cough for a number of reasons, plants are also susceptible to a number of problems. Some of the most common...

Basil Seeds

Sprouting and Microgreening with Mucilaginous Seeds

Some of you may have been sprouting and/or microgreening for some time and come across seeds that react different to water than other seeds. They get sticky and take longer to germ, making it disheartening if you haven’t dealt with...

Best Trays and Containers for Growing Microgreens

Best Trays and Containers for Growing Microgreens

Growing microgreens is a simple process, but what if you want to grow many vs. only a few? We have a container for both situations. And we offer plenty of options for those who want to use the same containers...

spraying a large dandelion with an herbicide

How To Control Weeds With Organic Home Garden Methods

There are more ways to deal with pesky weeds than pulling out the conventional herbicide spray. Here are just a few tips to avoid synthetic products and control weeds using organic methods. Best Practice - Keep the Ground Covered The...

Bee on a purple flower

How To Attract Pollinators To Your Flower And Vegetable Gardens

What would we do without pollinators? These tiny creatures, the bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, mosquitos, etc. are critical to our ecosystem and way of life. Without pollinators, we wouldn’t have tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or squash. So, how do we attract these...

echinacea and bees

10 Edible Perennials for Cool Climates

Written By Lara Wadsworth When living in northern climates, we can often forget that vegetable growing and edible landscapes don’t have to be left to those with longer growing seasons than us. But, that couldn’t be more wrong. In pre-colonial...

harvesting beets

Summer Sowing for Fall Harvesting

If you have experienced lingering winter weather or just didn’t get your garden in earlier in the season, don’t worry. It isn’t too late for you to start growing. Below are several flowers, vegetables, and herbs perfect for summer sowing....

father and son in field

Celebrating Father's Day

Father’s Day is upon us, and I find myself searching for answers to the same question year after year, “What do I get my Dad for Father’s Day?” You may find yourself in the same boat, but we are here...

lupine wildflower mountain meadow

10 Perennials for Cool Northern Climates

Written By Lara Wadsworth Just because you live “up north” doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice beauty! The perennials that thrive in zones 2-5 often have some of the best blooming seasons available due to the dormancy period they undergo...

Pressed flower art

6 Methods for Preserving Fresh Cut Flowers

Written By Lara Wadsworth Whether a flower has a special meaning, or you want to make a flower bouquet that can last all winter, flower preservation can be a useful skill to extend the enjoyment of cut flowers. Use it...

Rusty garden tools on a table

How To Remove Rust From Metal Garden Tools

It happens. You may forget your shovel or hand trowel outside, and before you know it, the rain comes leaving your shovel covered in rust. Can this awful mistake be fixed? Absolutely! To remove rust from your garden tools, use...

field of grass

Drought Train Your Lawn

If you reside anywhere near the intermountain west, you have likely seen the same drought warnings or are aware of the great water problems across the country. While the amount of precipitation has varied over the years, there is something...

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