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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Carrots For Your Spring Garden

Carrots For Your Spring Garden

Carrots are one of the most common vegetables to grow. This is likely because they are so easy to grow. It is really as simple as plopping them in the soil, watering, and digging them up. The best thing about...

How To Water Your Garden

How To Water Your Garden

If you are new to gardening you may wonder how you should be watering your garden. The truth is, there isn’t any one way that is correct. You can get the job done with a sprinkler, hose, irrigation, etc. But...

2022 Garden Trends

2022 Garden Trends

The 2022 Garden season is on its way. Have you heard about the latest trends for the coming season? If not I am here to share the news. We are seeing an increase in plans for climbing plants, more color,...

True Leaf Market Breaks Ground, Sowing Seeds for the Future

True Leaf Market Breaks Ground, Sowing Seeds for the Future

June ~ October 2021 True Leaf Market breaks new ground, sowing seed for the first field trials of vegetable and microgreen seed production in Utah. The True Leaf Market farm, managed by Kat Jones, partner at True Leaf Market (TLM),...

True Leaf Market

Mainland Asian Vs. Japanese Cucumbers

You may have heard of Asian cucumber varieties before and wondered what makes them different. Well, I am here to break it down for you. The biggest difference is their taste and affect on your digestive system. If you have...

Wasatch Community Gardens

Wasatch Community Gardens

True Leaf Market has the opportunity to partner with Wasatch Community Gardens by providing seeds and in-kind donations to this difference-making organization in Salt Lake County. Annually, the programs and community events of WCG serve more than 8,000 people; approximately...

Basil leaves on gray background

How To Preserve Basil After Cutting

Basil is probably my most favorite and most-used herb. It is a must-have in my garden every year. I always plant plenty so the plants can get nice and big and I can dry the leaves at the end of...

True Leaf Market

Kitazawa Seed Company Update - January 1st 2022

Turning Over a ‘New Leaf’ At Kitazawa Seed Company From Maya Shiroyama and Jim Ryugo Our hearts are filled with gratitude and happiness from all the support from our loyal customers. Our journey through the seed world has been enriching...

Egg Carton Seed Trays

Egg Carton Seed Trays

Are you looking for a way to teach your kids about gardening? Getting them directly involved is a great way to catch their interest. From the time I was able to first pull weeds, place a seed, or hold a...

Sprouts You Should Be Growing

Sprouts You Should Be Growing

In honor of the recent snow storms and harsh cold weather across the country I thought I would share some of the easiest sprouts to grow from your very own kitchen counter. We have talked about sprouts quite a bit...

Seed Viability

Seed Viability

While it is true that seeds can last a long time, their viability can decrease over time. This means that less seeds will germinate the longer they are stored. To help you have a better idea of how many seeds...

What Does Amend The Soil Mean?

What Does Amend The Soil Mean?

You may have been told by someone, or read somewhere that you should amend your soils. So what exactly does that mean? You see, soil is much more than a pile of dirt. Soil is made of different components that...

Vertical Home Gardening

Vertical Home Gardening

If you have never tried vertical gardening before, make this your year to try something new. Vertical gardening is a growing method that is becoming more and more popular to make the most out of small growing spaces. Its principles...

Watermelons - More Than A Fruit

Watermelons - More Than A Fruit

Did you know that watermelons aren’t just a fruit? They are actually vegetables as well, closely related to pumpkins and squash. They are considered fruits not because of their sweet taste, but because they carry their seeds. Botanically they are...

True Leaf Market

Kitazawa Seed Company and the 80th Anniversary of Japanese Internment in the United States

This year marks Kitazawa Seed Company’s 105th year since its founding, making it one of the oldest established seed companies in the country. The company was founded by Gijiu Kitazawa in San Jose, CA in 1917. Sadly, Kitazawa Seed Company...

Growing Soybeans AKA Edamame

Growing Soybeans AKA Edamame

You might have heard of soybeans or edamame before. If you are like me you might have wondered what the difference is between the two. It turns out they are the exact same plant, only edamame is the young harvested...

Preventing Deer and Rabbit Damage To Your Garden

Preventing Deer and Rabbit Damage To Your Garden

Preventing damage to your garden by critters such as deer and rabbits doesn’t have to be as hard as it may sound. Animals tend to dislike plants with fuzzy textures and strong scents. This makes adding ornamental plants to your...

The Year of the Tiger

The Year of the Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year! The Lunar New Year is the beginning of a calendar year based on the cycles of the moon. While the Chinese New Year may seem like a fun day to many in the U.S., it is...

Learn More About Sprouts And Microgreens

Learn More About Sprouts And Microgreens

Sprouting and Microgreens are some of the easiest ways to grow plants. Sprouts are the earliest stage of growth following seed germination. Typically you can eat sprouts in a matter of 3-10 days making it a great option for snacks...

A cayenne pepper displayed from the whole top to slices and powder against a white background

Hot Peppers

Peppers come in all shapes, sizes, flavors, and heat levels. The level of heat is designated by its Scoville Heat Units. On the scoville scale, originally developed from Wilbur Scoville, the heat level of a pepper was determined by a...

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