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Vertical Home Gardening

About the Author

Ashleigh Smith
I'm Ashleigh Smith, a native to Northern Utah. I first gained a love of gardening with my grandmother as I helped her each summer.

I decided to make a career of it and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Brigham Young University - Idaho. My studies have focused on plant production while I also have experience in Nursery & Garden Center Operations.

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  • Lisa Coleman Feb 22, 2022

    Last year was the first time I tried vertical gardening. I experimented to see what would grow and what wouldn’t and planted them thickly. Along with peas, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers, I grew small watermelon and cantaloupe (tied up the fruits). I also tied yellow squash and zucchini stalks upward as they grew. But my joy was the butternut squash! I had 4-5 plants and I was able to harvest 22 butternut – and many fruits had still not ripened before the frost! I used 4 cattle panels, each 15 feet long and arched them over (braced at the bottom by raised beds) so that the vines grew up overhead and the fruit hung down. The garden was beautiful and lush, but it became a jungle! This year I won’t grow so many plants or so tightly together and I won’t grow melons this time.

  • Margo O'Connor Feb 22, 2022

    It would be a good thing to list all the type of plants that grow vertically on trellises etc. Those of us who are already growing vertically could use some new ideas…other than the peas and beans we are already growing in our home gardens. True Leaf: what seeds do you have available for this type of growing? Margo

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