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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

What Vegetables Can You Ferment?

What Vegetables Can You Ferment?

Personally, I feel like fermented vegetables get a bad wrap. And it is mostly because people just don’t know much about the process. Fermenting vegetables basically allows enzymes to cause a natural chemical change in your food to break down...

sun with a blue sky and a few clouds

How To Sun Map Your Garden

We’ve already talked about growing a garden in the shade and which vegetables do well. But if you really want to get serious and more scientific about how much sun or shade you have in your yard, you can sun...

row of green vegetables

What Can You Grow In Shady Areas?

All vegetables and herbs need at least some sunlight each day to thrive, but if you have a part of your yard or garden that is shaded part or most of the time by a natural or manmade structure, don’t...

Chinese Kale on a table

What Is Chinese Cabbage vs Chinese Broccoli (Chinese Kale)

You may have noticed that we have added many Asian seed varieties to our inventory. As we have been educating ourselves about these seeds we have learned that things can get pretty fuzzy when it comes to the difference between...

Girl Watering Plants

Vegetable Gardening In Small Spaces

Gardening in small spaces might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. My first home was a little townhome with a tiny backyard consisting of a cement slab and small rectangular plots around it, and a tiny shed on...

bowls of different types of soil

What Types of Soil Are There And How To Amend Soil For Your Garden

Soil type is determined by the dominating characteristic of the soil. These characteristics can be grouped into three main categories: clay, sand, and silt soil. However, most soils are a mix of these three soil components and are called loamy...

Memorial crosses with poppies on them

Why Is The Poppy The Memorial Day Flower?

Flowers are used to represent all sorts of traditions and symbolism. You see them at weddings, funerals, birthdays, holidays, or given in sympathy to an individual or group. Why do we care so much about flowers? Really the answer is...

Cat and Dog sitting on grass

What Plants Are Safe For Your Pets

Cats and dogs love plants! They love to eat, lay in, and even dig them up. If your pets love plants so much, why not give them some to enjoy for themselves? There are plenty of plants that your pet...

Boy holding flower

Fragrant Flowers and Herbs For A Garden That Smells Good

Around this time of year, you have likely planted most of your vegetable garden and flower beds. The good news is, that most people still have room to add a plant or two. Today we wanted to help you elevate...

food scraps for composting

What can you compost?

As spring is in full swing it is time to consider how you are going to care for your garden throughout the summer and fall. Once you have your garden planted you are tasked with keeping it happy, healthy, and...

spoon of fertilizer

What Are Essential Plant Nutrients And How Are They Used?

Did you know that plants require 17 essential nutrients for growth? These Nutrients Are: Macronutrients Carbon (C) - Macronutrients provided by air Hydrogen (H) - Macronutrients provided by water/air Oxygen (O) - Macronutrients provided by water/air Soil Derived Macronutrients Nitrogen...

broth is poured over a hot pot meal

Grow Your Shabu Shabu Garden

What is a Shabu Shabu Garden, and what goes in it? Well first off it is a garden that provides a mix of ingredients ideal for a hot pot meal. A hot pot is an oriental cooking method where a...

butter dill carrots in a bowl

Quick To Mature Seeds For Your Garden

Has this year's garden season snuck up on you like it has me? The good news is, it's not too late to start planting. There are several options you have to still produce a plentiful harvest. Start by figuring out...

bowl of spinach greens

Types of Lettuce and Salad Greens

Salad Greens are one category of vegetables that everyone has heard of, but rarely understand. When you think of a salad do you simply think of a bowl with some chopped up iceberg or green leaf lettuce? Yeah, I thought...

Young tomato plant sprouting from the ground

Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade vegetables are one of the families of plants that get a lot of gossip thrown around about them. But what are they? Nightshade vegetables are the edible portions of some plants from the Solanaceae family.

clay pots stacked

Painted Garden Pots

The weather is warming up, and it is time to start working in the garden and flower beds. If you are a crafty person or have kids who enjoy crafts, this is the perfect time to step away from the...

fresh juices displayed in glasses

Grow Your Own Juicing Garden

Juicing is more than another diet fad; it is very healthy. Juicing allows you to quickly access the nutrients stored in fruits and vegetables without digesting the fibers and other plant materials. If you don’t have a juicer of your...

soccer ball on grass

Grass From Turf to Pasture

As you may know, this year is supposed to be a dry one. If you are getting ready to plant your lawn in one of the regions expected to experience drought conditions, you may want to consider a seed or...



Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a well-known Hibiscus plant used in Asian, African, and Tropical cuisine. Until this year, I had no idea it was so versatile in its use. While spending time in Nicaragua, I have had the pleasure of...



Mangos are a delicious fruit enjoyed by many around the world. It is easily recognized by its green and blush-colored skin and bright orange flesh. You can identify the tree by its simple, lanceolate leaves that form in clusters.

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