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Quick To Mature Seeds For Your Garden

About the Author

Ashleigh Smith
I'm Ashleigh Smith, a native to Northern Utah. I first gained a love of gardening with my grandmother as I helped her each summer.

I decided to make a career of it and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Brigham Young University - Idaho. My studies have focused on plant production while I also have experience in Nursery & Garden Center Operations.

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  • John May 24, 2022

    Hey what can I grow in the house. Summer is here in AZ and it’s 104 outside. I just composted my tomato plants because they weren’t producing anything and the heat was cooking them. My lettuce bolted so outside gardening is over for awhile.!

  • Barbara May 24, 2022

    Thank you for listing the late start vegetables; good reminder to keep planting in the extra spaces I have. I’m going to see if you have an article listing vegetables that will grow in more shade than sun (I have large trees that are now overshadowing my raised beds).

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