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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Ethylene Gas and Ripening Fruit

Ethylene Gas and Ripening Fruit

You may not have heard of how Ethylene Gas affects fruit, but you have likely been a victim of its quick action more times than you can count. Ethylene gas is the natural hormone emitted by fruit as it ages....

Sage, The Newly Popular Herb

Sage, The Newly Popular Herb

Sage has become popular for many reasons, including its smell, taste, and color. It is a member of the mint family with its extremely aromatic foliage. These smelly leaves are popular for medicinal purposes finding themselves...



Tomatillos are not tomatoes, though they do have similar appearances. To make matters more confusing, other common names tomatillo goes by are the Mexican Husk Tomato and Mexican Tomato. Their main difference in look...

What Are Heirloom Seeds?

What Are Heirloom Seeds?

If you are a returning reader, you have probably noticed our pride in providing a large selection of heirloom seeds. But, what exactly does it mean for a seed to be an heirloom variety? It means the seed is an...

Taro Root

Taro Root

Taro Root is a less commonly known vegetable in the West. It is popularly used, however, in Southeast Asia, India, and Caribbean diets. The root (corm) originates from the Taro Plant, also known as eddo/edo, kalo, arbi, or dasheen.

All About Dill

All About Dill

Dill is one of my favorite herbs! In my opinion, it is often underused in the common kitchen. Personally, my favorite ways to use dill are in herb butter and simply added to my favorite steamed vegetables with some butter...



Rhubarb is one plant that many people have had at least once is one plant that many people have had at least once, thanks to their grandmothers. But did you know it has a wide variety of uses? You can...

What are Hearts of Palm?

What are Hearts of Palm?

You may have heard of a hearts of palm or seen it on a menu, but what is it? Hearts of palm is the vegetable that comes from the butt of some palm trees. You can’t harvest it from every...

What is a Parsnip?

What is a Parsnip?

Parsnips tend to be forgotten because many people don’t really know what they are or how they can use them. They are actually a root vegetable very similar to carrots with a white cream color. As a member of the...

What is in Potting Soil Mix?

What is in Potting Soil Mix?

Soil is something that appears so uniform yet is made up of many different components. Each year, these different components work together with your seeds to produce your flowers, fruits, and vegetables. But what's in it? And why are there...



Artichokes aren’t the most popular vegetable in the kitchen; why is that? Personally, I haven’t used it much because I lacked knowledge about what it was and how to cook with it. Aside from dips, I was pretty clueless about...

Growing Ferns Inside

Growing Ferns Inside

Growing ferns inside can be tricky if you don’t understand what conditions they like. Ideally ferns like a humid, dappled light, constant environment. Changing temperatures and light conditions quickly will result in a less appealing appearance and weak growth. Naturally...

What is Jicama?

What is Jicama?

What is Jicama, and how can you use it? Jicama is a root vegetable also known as the Mexican potato, Chinese turnip, and Mexican Water Chestnut. This root can be used raw or cooked with crunchy but juicy flesh and...

Flowers For Companion Planting This Season

Flowers For Companion Planting This Season

I love flowers! Chances are you do, too, if you are reading this. When planning out your flower garden, the focus is usually on balancing colors, heights, and light requirements. But have you put any thought into what plants do...

Growing Potatoes From Seed vs Tubers

Growing Potatoes From Seed vs Tubers

Potatoes are a staple to almost any kitchen. They are not only tasty, but filling and can be prepared in a myriad of ways. I once had a high school teacher from Idaho who was so proud of potatoes, he...

Your First Garden

Your First Garden

This may be your first year gardening, and if it is you may find yourself surprised at all of your seed options. We get it, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The good news is we can help you get a...

7 Herbs To Spice Up Your Summer Grilling

7 Herbs To Spice Up Your Summer Grilling

We see you barbequers out there planning your summer cookouts. We are here to help you understand how fresh herbs can elevate your meats to the next level. Meat is really just meat until you start dressing it up in...

Why You Should Add Celery To Your Garden

Why You Should Add Celery To Your Garden

Celery is a long standing staple in the kitchen, but doesn’t seem to be very popular for home gardens. Why is this? Celery can be kind of choosey with its growing conditions. It takes a long cool weather season making...

Why Are Sprouts Healthy

Why Are Sprouts Healthy

We say it all the time, sprouts are healthy for you. But why? What is it that makes these seed sprouts so good for your body? Simply put it is their vitamin and nutrient content. You see, there are more...

Garden Labels

Garden Labels

Picture your garden about 3-4 months from now. You are starting to harvest and use your fresh produce in the kitchen. You are preparing dinner and you need that extra something from the garden. You send your child out to...

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