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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Unique Fermentation Recipes

Unique Fermentation Recipes

Over the centuries, humans have tested the boundaries of what can be fermented. We’ve done it long enough that you can ferment yourself at home with things around the house or with exclusive fermenter kits. Fermentation, the action of various...

5 Late Summer Sowing Herbs

5 Late Summer Sowing Herbs

It’s heating up quick and you may be thinking that you are too late to sow seeds for a summer garden. But never fear—herbs to the rescue! They’re inexpensive and easy to grow. There are several varieties of herb seeds...

Flowers Perfect for Direct Sowing Right Now!

Flowers Perfect for Direct Sowing Right Now!

Although we've had a particularly late winter, with the snow flurries just ending, it's still not too late to sow flower seeds for summer time blooms—in fact, it's the ideal time for some of these beauties of summer! Some flowers...

Giant pumpkins sitting on pallets

Start your Ginormous Pumpkin This Month!

This is a very special time of year for us here at True Leaf Market because it is time to sow our giant pumpkin seeds. Each October, we hold The Ginormous Pumpkin Regatta at Oquirrh Lake in Daybreak, Utah. And...

A Great Time for Herbs!

A Great Time for Herbs!

A good time to start your herb garden is now—whether it's in your backyard, on your balcony or in your windowsill in containers, nothing says springtime like an herb garden! Herb are defined as plants that are used by humans...

Let's Talk About Transplant Shock

Let's Talk About Transplant Shock

Transplant shock happens to your seedlings when they undergo stress during the transplanting process from indoor growing conditions to the ground and the unpredictable climate outside. Many times it is caused by the roots being "shocked" by the transplanting process,...

Direct Sowing Vegetable Seeds

Direct Sowing Vegetable Seeds

We are reaching the time when you'll want to start direct sowing your vegetable seeds or at least getting ready to sow them in the next few weeks! This is a perfect opportunity to think about what you might want...

Flowers: Starting Indoors vs Direct Sowing

Flowers: Starting Indoors vs Direct Sowing

When you think you've started all your seedlings this year, you remember . . . flowers! While we prepare our vegetable starts, it can be easy to forget about the flower garden. Luckily it is still a good time to...

The Best Soil for Transplanting . . . and how to get it!

The Best Soil for Transplanting . . . and how to get it!

Now that you've got your seeds started, it is a good time to start focusing on getting your soil ready for transplanting time. Now, that may mean a few different things; you may need to amend your soil with fertilizers...

It's February! Time to Get Your Garden Seeds!

It's February! Time to Get Your Garden Seeds!

Looking for "The Best Soil for Transplanting . . . and how to get it!"? Click here to read it! It's not too late to pick your seeds for your spring garden but soon the days will be long enough...

Starting Seeds Early. Why some and not others . . .

Starting Seeds Early. Why some and not others . . .

The initial thing a lot of folks wonder after they've decided to grow a garden that season is "Where do I start?" And then the more complex question follows, "Which vegetable crops do I start indoors and which do I...

pea microgreens and wheatgrass

Craving Garden Produce Mid-Winter? It's Easy, Fun and Delicious!

Life without fresh produce and garden greens during the winter can be absolute torture. Luckily, we know about a way to grow fresh greens all winter-long right on your counter-top. The way is sprouting and growing garden vegetables as microgreens!...

A Ripe Tomato by July 4th?! Here's how . . .

A Ripe Tomato by July 4th?! Here's how . . .

A gardener’s dream: a plump ripe tomato ready to harvest for the Fourth of July. That is our goal and the goal of many fellow gardeners we know! Who doesn’t love fresh cherry tomatoes right off the vine or slicing...

A Sustainable Thanksgiving

A Sustainable Thanksgiving

It may seem next to impossible to maintain a sustainable lifestyle especially during the holiday season. You have friends and family of different backgrounds and beliefs gathering together in one space, making it difficult to keep up and enforce the...

The Story of Our Giant Pumpkin

The Story of Our Giant Pumpkin

For the last five years or so, we’ve been attempting to grow our own giant pumpkin with some troubling results. One year, our vine only grew about twenty feet long before giving up. Trial and error, we quickly learned is...

Jerome Small - 2017 Scholarship Winner - Video Submission

Jerome Small - 2017 Scholarship Winner - Video Submission

The Environmental Revolution By Jerome Small

Zoe Martin Cowen - 2017 Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

Zoe Martin Cowen - 2017 Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

HU:Ñ, HA:L & BAWI: The Three Sisters of the Santa Cruz Valley By Zoe Martín Cowan A sea of green and yellow combs the valleys where my predecessors once witnessed the multicolored diversity of life that is the Sonoran Desert....

August: Dealing with the Late Summer Heat

August: Dealing with the Late Summer Heat

The unrelenting heat of late summer is here and nowhere do we notice it more than in our gardens. The soil can dry out and crack alarmingly fast. Even with consistent watering, plants can become wilted in the intense sunlight....

Get to Know Your Seeds: A Seed Type Guide

Get to Know Your Seeds: A Seed Type Guide

We’ve had an influx of calls inquiring about the specifics of seed labeling—questions like “What is the difference between sprouting and microgreens seeds and traditional garden vegetable seeds?” and “Are heirloom seeds and open-pollinated seeds the same thing?” and a...

June: Companion Plants & Beneficial Insects

June: Companion Plants & Beneficial Insects

Now that the growing season is underway, an abundance of life begins to spring up in our garden: seedlings take root and begin branching out, showing signs of their future production. But with new growth and life, comes the chance...

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