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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Seed Shortages, Delivery Times, and What We are Doing.

Seed Shortages, Delivery Times, and What We are Doing.

Due to COVID 19 and other related factors, the demand for home delivery services are at a record high this year. In general, we recommend that you take care of all your holiday shopping early. At True Leaf Market, we...

Fall Photo Contest Winners

Fall Photo Contest Winners

First, we want to thank all of you who entered the contest. We were overwhelmed by the number of submissions and by how much creativity each of you put into your photos. We were thrilled to see all of the...

11 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Homegrown Sprouts

11 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Homegrown Sprouts

There’s no feeling like growing your own food and then getting to sit down and eat it. That feeling is carnal and ancient; our ability to do this is part of what makes us human. This is why we get...

5 Lessons from Our Summer Garden

5 Lessons from Our Summer Garden

Another summer and another harvest has come and gone. And whether you're a beginner trying out your first garden or a seasoned farmer with a thumb as green as the earth, there are always lessons to be learned as to...

Backslop Romance | Fermentation, Inoculation, and Henrietta the Sourdough Starter

Backslop Romance | Fermentation, Inoculation, and Henrietta the Sourdough Starter

These mason jar fermenting tips + tricks are brought to you by Marina Jade Phillips, Fermenter Extraordinaire and champion of our PickleHelix and Fermenting Lids. The first two months of 2018 marked both my first trip to Mexico and my...

Saying Goodbye to Summer:  Vine-Ripening, Early Winters, and Canning

Saying Goodbye to Summer: Vine-Ripening, Early Winters, and Canning

Fall is less than two weeks away and––if your garden is anything like mine, half of it is over and waiting for cover crop season and the other half is still spitting out its best stuff. Green peas, artichokes, fava...

The Father of the Modern Brassica: Dr. Jack Brown and his Mighty Mustard® Cover Crop

The Father of the Modern Brassica: Dr. Jack Brown and his Mighty Mustard® Cover Crop

Over the past 40 years, True Leaf Market has had the privilege of sharing some very special heirloom and non-GMO varieties with you from all over the world. Many of these cultivars were grown and developed by the most passionate...

What Are Cover Crops?

What Are Cover Crops?

Download Your Free Cover Crop Growing Guide Cover crops are seeds that are planted en masse for several reasons that benefit the soil and/or the local environment. Most often cover crops are grown by farmers in rotation with their cash...

Microgreens – More Nutritious Than Mature Vegetables and Herbs?

Microgreens – More Nutritious Than Mature Vegetables and Herbs?

In the past few years, there has been optimistic research into determining whether microgreens are more nutritionally dense per calorie than that of fully matured vegetables, fruits, and herbs. The 2012 article “Assessment of Vitamin and Carotenoid Concentrations of Emerging...

Year-Round Companion Planting for Organic, Pesticide-Free Gardening

Year-Round Companion Planting for Organic, Pesticide-Free Gardening

Just as we understand in the animal kingdom how different, unrelated species will mutually benefit one another, whether intentionally or not, so too does the plant kingdom experience the same caliber of harmony and symbiosis (mutual benefit). Herbs, fruits, grains,...

Introducing the True Leaf Market Herb Growing Guide!

Introducing the True Leaf Market Herb Growing Guide!

This pocket-sized herb garden booklet includes the facts and growing information about your favorite herbs and ones you may have not even known about! Beginning the booklet is an overall guide to herb gardening followed by individual herb pages that...

Summer Garden Photo Contest Winners!

Summer Garden Photo Contest Winners!

First, we want to thank all of you who entered the contest. We were overwhelmed by the number of submissions and by how much creativity each of you put into your photos. We were thrilled to see all of the...

The Great Seedpocalypse of 2020?

The Great Seedpocalypse of 2020?

No, there likely won’t be a seed apocalypse in 2020 and beyond, but, there will be a few challenges… There definitely are some issues about the availability of some varieties of seeds in 2020, and possibly into 2021 that you...

How Late is Too Late to Start Your Garden?

How Late is Too Late to Start Your Garden?

June is here, and some of you might be wondering—have I missed the planting window? Is it too late to plant my garden? We say NO WAY! It’s never too late to plant in summer months as long you stick...

Updated Rewards Program and Size Changes

Updated Rewards Program and Size Changes

What a strange year it has been so far. We wanted to take a moment to update you on a few changes at True Lear Market, including some good news (because couldn’t we all use some?). Upgrade to the True...

Medicinal Herbs You Need to Know About!

Medicinal Herbs You Need to Know About!

Lately, we've been doing a deep-dive on herbs and what blows us away is the numerous medicinal uses that herbs have. It's amazing to read up on how ancient peoples and modern-day society used and continue to use herbs. These...

Pandemic Gardens: A Return to Victory Gardens

Pandemic Gardens: A Return to Victory Gardens

After nearly eighty years, It may be time to start up Victory Gardens again! Victory Gardens, aka "war gardens", were gardens planted on people's private property, and public lands with the aim of helping citizens become more self-reliant in regards...

It's Never Too Early to Start Planning Your Fall Garden!

It's Never Too Early to Start Planning Your Fall Garden!

Although the spring and summer months are great for gardening, they can be taxing on the gardener. I know that I've become spent trying to keep my garden watered in the scorching heat while troubleshooting problems as they arise, such...

A New Way to Retain Your Rain!

A New Way to Retain Your Rain!

Water is essential to plant growth and development. Typical growing medias, such as potting soils and mixes, allow water to flow freely through the root growth area of plants, at times resulting in dehydration, which causes poor crop growth and...

Cover Crops Equals Better Soil!

Cover Crops Equals Better Soil!

You may think that only farmers or large-scale gardeners need cover crops, but that's far from true. Backyard gardeners reap the same benefits of cover crops that large scale growers do, and they don't need to be an experts to...

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