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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Microgreens—A Salad Bowl of Nutrients in One Bite!

Microgreens—A Salad Bowl of Nutrients in One Bite!

Preach! Don't you love it when you find an article that supports what you've been promoting and practicing for years! We do! This article from mbgfood is a fantastic short read that illustrates just WHY microgreens are so great! It's...


Taylor the Warehouse Cat

My name is Taylor and I came here, to True Leaf Market, in 2015 from Best Friends of Utah! True Leaf Market hired me on the spot cuz of my hunting abilities--and my cuteness! I've always been a great mouse hunter, if I don't say so myself. I graduated with high marks at Mouseachussets Institute of Technology Pawdelphia, Catifornia. I sure got my paws full here, but I love it--and they love me!

Gut Health—Why You Should be Sprouting Your Grains!

Gut Health—Why You Should be Sprouting Your Grains!

This fantastic HuffPost article points the pros of ingesting sprouted grains on a regular basis. We found it extremely informative and helpful in illustrating why we think people should be sprouting their own grains at home--a practice we’ve promoted for...

8 Pro Tips for Spring Garden Prep

8 Pro Tips for Spring Garden Prep

1. Get a Gardening JournalTracking your garden from beginning to end is a joy and an essential component when planning next year's garden. You can learn from what worked and what didn't work the year before. Over time, after observing...

What Makes a Seed

What Makes a Seed "Bad"?

Does seed go bad? A question we've heard a lot working in this business. It's somewhat of a complicated answer—but here goes . . . If what you mean by "go bad" is that the seed will spoil, then no,...

sprouts in wooden bowls sitting on a table

New How-to-Sprout Online Video

Guest Blog Post by Steve Wohlberg, Teacher of “Sprouting with Steve." We all know that if we lose our health, we've lost the joy of living. Not only that, but there has never been a time in history when human...

Julia Maddock - Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

Julia Maddock - Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

The Star of Summer Squash By Julia Maddock Is it possible for a single plant to be the perfect fit for any garden? The zucchini argues that it is. Also known by the Latin name of Cucurbita pepo, the zucchini...

Ronald J. Smith - Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

Ronald J. Smith - Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

Lettuce By Ronald J Smith Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a member of the daisy family (Asteraceae). Ancient Egyptians grew lettuce for oil from its seeds over 4,500 years and then as an edible leaf crop. As a result, lettuce has...

5 Exotic Microgreens!

5 Exotic Microgreens!

We, here at True Leaf Market, are always looking for new and exotic seed varieties for microgreen growing. Along with finding really tasty and beautiful strains of tried-and-true varieties like radish and mustard, we'll come across some truly unique seeds...

Mid-July Garden Planting!

Mid-July Garden Planting!

It's mid July and many garden vegetables are maturing such as tomatoes and peppers. It's not too late in the summer to start planting, they just need to have a shorter life cycle to be able to mature before it...

Know Your Basil Varieties

Know Your Basil Varieties

Basil is an all-star microgreen for several reasons: it's sweet and full of flavor, tender and leafy, and extremely diverse in it's use. And although it takes longer to germinate, it can be grown on longer into more of a...

True Leaf Market Microgreens on Modern Gardener TV!

True Leaf Market Microgreens on Modern Gardener TV!

True Leaf Market is proud to collaborate with KUED 7: Modern Gardener to create this fun sprout and microgreen growing guide. All of the seeds you see growing healthy sprouts and microgreens came from True Leaf Market. Check out parts...

Light Essentials: Indoor Counter-top Gardening

Light Essentials: Indoor Counter-top Gardening

Although your kitchen may have an abundance of light, it may not be enough for growing flats of wheatgrass and microgreens—especially this time of year. The lack of sunlight effects everything, and even though your flat may be under a...

The Idiot's Guide to Microgreens!

The Idiot's Guide to Microgreens!

You may have heard of microgreens or seen them on a dish that you’ve received at a restaurant, but what exactly are microgreens? This simplest way to put it is they are your favorite vegetable plants such as cabbage, radish,...

Sowing Flowers in the Cold

Sowing Flowers in the Cold

One of the best ways to ensure a healthy, abundant, and efficient year-round garden is to emulate many of the natural cycles your plants would experience if grown wildly. For example, “true” wildflowers spend the summer carpeting the soil with...

Hairy Vetch: A Cover Crop that Loves the Cold

Hairy Vetch: A Cover Crop that Loves the Cold

The first day of fall is already a month gone and it's never too soon to begin preparing next season's bountiful harvest. Many gardens have already been hit by their local frost date and are calling it a season until...

Laura Thoeming - 2018 Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

Laura Thoeming - 2018 Scholarship Winner - Essay Submission

True Leaf Market

Nestia N. Nuanez - 2018 Scholarship Winner - Video Submission

The Best Way To Transplant Snapdragons By Nestia N. Nuanez

July Sowing to Early Fall Harvest!

July Sowing to Early Fall Harvest!

Who'd have thought that July would be a great time to direct sow select garden vegetable seeds? Come to find out, it's a great time for quick-to-harvest crops such as Basil and Dill, Beans and Greens, and Carrots and Cucumbers!...

Shade Cloths + Trellis Ideas

Shade Cloths + Trellis Ideas

Shading Your Plants Now is the time of year to get creative with ways to make trellis space for your vining vegetables and/or creating shade for some of your plants if you're not in a well-shaded areas. Most commonly, black...

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