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What Makes a Seed "Bad"?

Further Reading

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  • JR Jan 26

    There’s another case the phrase “bad seed” would be appropriate, and that’s relating to disease.
    Seeds from a diseased plant can be contaminated with pathogens that will produce infected offspring. I’ve heard this is a particular concern for the cannabis industry.
    If the seed itself is a product, diseases of the parent plant can also corrupt the seed(as in ergotism) and cause food poisoning in humans and livestock who consume it.
    Third, seed can be externally contaminated with pathogens like e. coli and salmonella if mishandled, leading to contamination of sprouts and microgreens.

  • Emma Drake Nov 10, 2024

    I ordered wildflower seeds, but have not had time to sow them. Could I put them in a zip-lock bag and place them in the freezer for the winter?

  • Susan D Croteau Jun 2, 2021

    My seeds have a place all there own, a small college type refrigerator!

  • Karen Kay Rinearson Jun 2, 2021

    I keep my seeds in a plastic bag in the vegetable door in the fridge.

  • Emily Lewis Apr 16, 2020

    Hi my name is Emily & I watched your program on White Horse Media and you talked about sprouting with Steve. You said if we said my friend steve we would get it at 1/2 price, I have tried to sign up and keeps rejecting the code. Can you please help I would like to sign up. Thank you! God’s Blessings, Emily

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