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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Sungold Tomatoes

Make Tomatoes the Hero at Your Next Dinner Party

If you’re anything like me, getting your kids to eat fresh food - okay, let’s be honest, anything that doesn’t involve cheese, tortillas, or french fries - can be a real chore. Do you envision the day where your kids...

Fall blooming chrysanthemums

30 Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall is simply beautiful. With the changing colors and cooling temperatures come more challenging conditions for growing flowers as winter approaches. Keep color in your gardens with these flowers. Some varieties may also be planted in the mid to late...

mother and daughter walking through digitalis flower patch

Spring Blooming Flowers

Spring is neck and neck with fall as my favorite season of the year. I love the combination of beautiful blooms, cool weather, and the sound of spring rain showers against the windows. Bring your garden back to life with...

Woman Flower Farmer holding a basket of fresh cut dahlias

50+ Summer Blooming Flowers

Summer is the season of perpetual blooms and harvests. We hope you will find plenty of flowers on this list for your gardens. Whether you are looking for a seasonal pop of color or something to transition your garden from...

girl with red salvia flowers

Spring to Fall Flowers for Continuous Blooms

Are you tired of the cold and dreary weather yet? Or does the quiet blanketing snow energize you like Lorelai Gilmore? While I love to get all cozy and warm in my favorite sweats, I also miss the growing season's...

wilting lettuce head

Skip The Lettuce Shortage - Grow Indoors

If you aren’t already seeing it, just wait. Lettuce prices have been rising to 4 times the average. This quick rise is causing many large and small chain restaurants to remove it from their offerings. Why is this happening? Because...

3 Boys Playing Garden Board Games

Garden Trivia Quiz - Garden Games

Can you believe it’s officially winter? The weather has cooled off leaving lots of time for inside family fun. What do you like to do as a family, besides eat delicious treats this time of year? My family loves to...

Fancy Microgreen Toast

How to Use Microgreens and Sprouts?

Have you tried growing sprouts or microgreens, but aren’t sure how to use them? You have come to the right place. This post is all about how you can incorporate these bundles of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your everyday...

Healthy Sunflower Microgreens

Why are Sprouts and Microgreens Healthy?

Microgreens and sprouts are one of the best ways to eat vegetables. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According to a study done by the University of Maryland research team, microgreens may contain as much as 4-40 times...

Giving Tuesday Thank You

Giving Tuesday - Thank You!

It has been an incredible delight to partner with Utah Dine Bikeyah for 2022’s Giving Tuesday. Throughout this partnership, we have hoped to spread awareness of how important it is to recognize the history, values, and contributions of the Native...

Garden Bed Flowers

Update - Expanded Flower Sizes Available

We have expanded the sizes our flowers are available in. What does this mean for you? You can now find your favorite flower seed offered in packages as small as a paper packet, or as large as a 5 pound...

What is Rapeseed vs Canola

What is Rapeseed vs Canola

Many people wonder: What is Canola Oil made out of? Is Canola a vegetable? What do Canola plants look like? And more! We are here to help you understand what Canola is and where it came from. Canola was developed...

Utah Dine Bikeyah and True Leaf Market Giving Tuesday Support

Giving Tuesday - A Worldwide Day of Service

It’s here! Giving Tuesday is happening 1 week from now, on November 29th. The Giving Tuesday movement can “reimagine a world built upon shared humanity and radical generosity.” It is all about helping others simply because you want to. The...

Broccoli Microgreens

USDA Recommends Broccoli Microgreens For Key Health Benefits

USDA Nutritional Research On Broccoli Microgreens According to research done at the Agricultural Research Service’s Food Quality Laboratory, broccoli microgreens host a wealth of beneficial nutrients. Broccoli is known as a powerful dark green vegetable, but its microgreen stage of...

composting food scraps

Home Composting Without the Mess

You hear time and time again that you should be saving your food scraps and feeding your garden with recycled organic material (compost). Why would you want to do this? Because it adds valuable nutrients back into your soil, increases...

Bears Ears Native American Ruins

Protecting Native American Lands - Giving Tuesday 2022

Native American Heritage Month and Giving Tuesday November is a big month for holiday celebrations, shopping, harvesting, and much more. As you celebrate, in whatever fashion suits you, we invite you to include Native American Heritage Month (American Indian and...

woman running through wildflower meadow

How to Grow Easy Wildflower Gardens

Published Nov 5, 2021 Updated Oct 21, 2022 Wildflowers are some of my favorite flowers. Their ability to easily grow in adverse conditions and poor soils makes them a great selection for improving unmaintained areas. Plus, you can prepare the...

Holiday Herb and Chicken

The Perfect Collection of 10 Holiday Herbs

Cooking and the holidays are a pair that cannot be separated. Food is definitely one of the most popular topics of the winter months. But what makes it so special? Is it the meats, cookies, cakes, vegetables, or candy? While...

Viola tricolor Wild Pansy

Viola Flowers - Pansy Growing Guide

About Pansies and Violas The pansy has been a popular flower for use in flower gardens, containers, and culinary purposes for centuries. They were first brought to North America by Europeans in the 1800s, though the popular hybrids we have...

2022 Pumpkin Regatta Crowd

2022 Pumpkin Regatta - A Giant Success

On Saturday, Oct 8th, the 11th annual Ginormous Pumpkin Regatta was held in Daybreak, Utah. We saw thousands of people gather to cheer on friends, family, and community members as pumpkins provided by local growers raced across the lake for...

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