If you’re anything like me, getting your kids to eat fresh food - okay, let’s be honest, anything that doesn’t involve cheese, tortillas, or french fries - can be a real chore.
Do you envision the day where your kids (or grandkids) are begging you for “More salad, please”?
This happened recently for my daughter’s seventh birthday dinner (her choice). She chose dino nuggets and salad. Yes, salad. (!!!)
But not just any salad. Lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. But not just any tomatoes, Sungold Hybrid tomatoes. With ranch.
Of course I obliged.
Happily I served up the nuggets, BBQ sauce, ketchup … and … salad.
Guess what happened? All nine kids and three adults gobbled down the salad, with a few nuggets on the side.
The salad vanished. Like disappeared almost instantly. One by one the kids then adults came and asked, “Is there any more salad?” Sadly, no. [Pause] “But there are some more nuggets on the stove.”
“That was the best salad.”
“I loved those tomatoes!”
“I haven’t had a salad like this in years!”
All the talk from age 3 to 45 was about the salad, and the tomatoes, and the freshness and deliciousness of it all.
Talk about the easiest birthday meal on earth! And a big win.
What is it about Sungold Hybrid tomatoes that make them so good?
Well, first of all, they are bite size and perfect to just pluck off the plant and pop in your mouth. They grow all summer long so you can have a never-ending summer snack.
Second, they are delicious, a favorite among all cherry tomatoes found out there in the world. They are extra sweet and more firm than other cherry tomatoes out there.
Third, they are easy to grow. Last year I neglected my poor garden for almost a month. Like really neglected it. That was no deterrent for my Sungold tomatoes. They didn’t just survive. They thrived - and my kids and I benefited one juicy handful at a time.
Fourth, they are absolutely full of nutrients. I didn’t realize as we ate these tomatoes by the handful that we were actually making our eyes and skin stronger (vitamin A). Or that our hearts would thank us (lycopene, an antioxidant for healthy hearts). Or Vitamin B, K, potassium, calcium. You get the idea.
And lastly, Sungold Hybrid tomatoes can be grown virtually anywhere. No space for a garden? No problem. Sungold Hybrid tomatoes are perfect for containers. You can be harvesting your very own fresh tomatoes right outside your back door.
The perfect snack for when that craving comes on.
The perfect addition to any salad or veggie tray.
The perfect secret ingredient to pasta or sandwiches.
So versatile, and so delicious.
Want to be the hero of your kid’s birthday dinner, or your upcoming dinner party? Sungold Hybrid tomatoes to the rescue!
Now is the time to stock up for the upcoming growing season. Sungold Hybrid is a super high demand and expensive variety of tomatoes. Hurry before everyone else starts thinking about their gardens and seeds start to dwindle.
Buy Sungold Hybrid tomato seeds now for a 25% discount for a limited time. Once our limited discounted supply is gone, the discount is gone. Now’s your chance. Act now before they’re gone!
These look great! We currently grow Orange Hat tomatoes in our indoor hydroponic garden but will be picking up some of these seeds to try next!
I have always had such good luck getting kids to eat yellow tomatoes, they don’t see them as normal tomatoes. They just see the fun colors and designs.