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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Healing & Medicinal Properties of Herbs

Healing & Medicinal Properties of Herbs

Mother Nature has an impressive arsenal of natural herbs to use for medicinal purposes and/or to add flavor to meals. Simply put, a herb is any type of plant whose leaves, roots, flowers, berries, stems or seeds that are used...

Bruce McVay: Wheatgrass & Athletic Performance

Bruce McVay: Wheatgrass & Athletic Performance

Grass and Endurance - The Athletes' Use of Wheatgrass The newspapers have recently published several articles on recent animal studies that have proven that very low calorie highly nutritional diets enhance strength, endurance, and life longevity. Wheatgrass has by lab...

Dairy Farms Experiment with Sprouts

Dairy Farms Experiment with Sprouts

While we aren’t too keen on dairy farms, we do believe the study below is powerful research about the benefits of sprouts to both humans and dairy cattle. This experiment was conducted by the Govind Dairy in India. The study...

Barley Grass Juice: The Alternative to Wheatgrass

Barley Grass Juice: The Alternative to Wheatgrass

"Barley grass is one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves the skin texture and the dryness associated with aging." ~Dr. Howard Lutz. Some people really don't like the taste of wheatgrass,if this is you, try barleygrass...

Benefits of Ionic Minerals

Benefits of Ionic Minerals

Compare Colloidal Minerals to Ionic Minerals Are you tired of eating food that has been infused with chemicals and additives? Do you want improved health benefits? Are you looking for a way to experience more health benefits by changing your...

Summertime Wheatgrass Growing Tips

Summertime Wheatgrass Growing Tips

During the heat of the summer, months growing wheatgrass can be subject to a few potential complications due to the heat. Generally speaking, wheatgrass does best below 75 degrees F, but not cooler than 65 degrees. We hope these tips...

Benefits of the life force of living foods

Benefits of the life force of living foods

James B. Sumner, Nobel laureate, of Cornell University defined life as the orderly functioning of enzymes. In fact, he was given the Nobel prize when he first crystallized the protein of the enzyme complex. He said that if we postpone...

Detoxifying Properties of Wheatgrass

Detoxifying Properties of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass juice has the great ability to detoxify the body almost immediately after beginning to drink it on a daily basis. For this reason, caution should be used in the amount taken the first few days and weeks. As the...

Spin Farming: with Urban Gardener Linda Borghi

Spin Farming: with Urban Gardener Linda Borghi

This week let's investigate a new farming phenomenon called Spin Farming and Spin Gardening. People in urban or rural areas are turning small plots of land into a farm for themselves and for others on as little as 1/3 acre,...

Colloidal Minerals: Fact or Fiction?

Colloidal Minerals: Fact or Fiction?

Colloidal minerals and trace elements have been stirring quite a bit of controversy recently. Some say they have nutritional benefits to the health, and others say they are useless, and potentially even hazardous. As the dictionary states, colloidal minerals are...

Trace Minerals & Help For Migraines

Trace Minerals & Help For Migraines

Eighteen percent of American women and six percent of American men suffer from migraines. Magnesium and trace minerals may help with this and other health disorders. Unbeknownst to a surprisingly large audience of nutritionally uneducated Americans, insufficient mineral density in...

Wheatgrass & Mold

Wheatgrass & Mold

We occasionally hear from customers who experience mold growing at the base of the wheatgrass stems. This is a common problem, usually due to environmental issues like spores in the air or growing warm humid areas of the country. The...

Raw Food Energy Proof

Raw Food Energy Proof

The holidays seem to be the busiest time of year for me! I need all the energy I can get, and all the extra holiday sweets and food doesn't seem to give that! So between those days of indulgence and...

Cautions Concerning Buckwheat

Cautions Concerning Buckwheat

A few years ago, someone wrote an article about how they experienced skin light sensitivity as a result of consuming large amounts of buckwheat greens juice. We have enjoyed the delicious tang of buckwheat greens in moderation for many years...

A semi truck driving through the mountains during the winter

The Wheatgrass Trucker Story

After being an over-the-road truck driver for 6 years, my health was suffering. I could not get good enough rest or sleep. I was so tired and in pain. I could barely walk at times. The doctors wanted to put...

Build Your Own Basic Worm Garden!

Build Your Own Basic Worm Garden!

Converts food scraps to wonderful Earthworm Castings Design by Vermitech specialist, Todd Spratt PARTS NEEDED: 30 gallon plastic storage container 8-2 inch square pieces of window screen Top and cap from a typical water bottle 2 heavy duty nursery flats...

Detoxifying from Alcohol with Green Foods

Detoxifying from Alcohol with Green Foods

Recent research now suggests that the oxidation product of alcohol, acetaldehyde, may be responsible for cancer and other health problems related to alcohol consumption. Acetaldehyde is toxic to tissues and may produce genetic mutations by damaging DNA. Normally, alcohol is...

Green Magma - The Natural Detoxifier

Green Magma - The Natural Detoxifier

Health conscious consumers today are looking for more than wholesome, nutritious food to maintain good health, they also want to protect themselves from the ever-increasing number of toxins in our environment. While periodic use of internal cleansing and detoxification programs...

Sprouts and Kirlian Photography

Sprouts and Kirlian Photography

Ann Wigmore, wheatgrass pioneer, spoke many times about the life force in the sprouted grasses, nuts, and seeds. Her contemporary, Edward Howell, who studied the life force (enzymes) in foods for over 66 years, spoke of the cook stove as...

Why Use Sprouts for Emergency Food Storage?

Why Use Sprouts for Emergency Food Storage?

Reasons for using sprouts are so plentiful and so important, it’s usually only a matter of listing them to convince you to try this very special kind of in-home gardening––accomplished in the comfort of your own kitchen. Increasing numbers of...

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