Make your own diced tomatoes at home with this simple and easy way to preserve your harvest for future use.
- Fresh tomatoes from the garden (Roma are a good choice because they're more meaty and less juicy)
- 2 Tbs lemon juice per quart
- 1 tsp. sea salt per quart
- Peel the tomatoes (to do this wash them and put in boiling water for 2 minutes followed by ice water for 1 minute; then chop off the top and the skins come right off).
- Dice tomatoes and put in large stock pot
- Cook tomatoes for 5 minutes on stove, stirring occasionally
- Add lemon juice and sea salt to each quart jar.
- Add diced tomatoes to each quart jar. Leave 1/4-1/2 inch space on top.
- Sterilize lids, clean tops of jars, etc (like you do for any canning project).
- Process for 45 minutes in water bath canner.
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