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Front Yard Food Production

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  • Lynn Williams Jan 27, 2022

    I’m 74 and when I was little, and we lived in the subburbs, Dad turned most of the flower beds into veggie and berry beds and he planted fruit trees, where most people planted shade trees. I asked him why and he said it does double duty – it gives food, shade, and beauty. Everywhere I have lived I’ve grown some of my food, in containers when I didn’t have the space and in raised beds when I did have space. It has brought me great joy and the best tasting food.

  • SUZANNE Jan 25, 2022

    Hi there, I’ve been an avid gardener since I was a child, following my mama into the garden to help her. I’m now 84 and absolutely love to garden. I think that I was unable to have a garden in some form, I would shrivel up and die. We have recenty moved back to where we "call home " in Oregon. Because we are renting, I must garden in containers. Our back yard is miniscule and the outer edges of the back yard are planted in shrubs such as junipers. There are two HUGE Oak trees along the fence line. I’m hoping that they don’t prevent the sun from shining on my planned conainers of food. I will keep you posted as to how “my garden grows” from time to time. Oh I also plan on putting some of my containers of food in the side and front yard. The front, mostly consists of a driveway with a tiny planter area. It contains two large shrubs that I think are Camillas. These have been cut down to window level to maintain the look of manicured shrubs. However, I noticed large flower buds all along the sides of these two shrubs. I’m crossing my fingers that they will produce beautiful flowers for me. I have ordered many seeds from you in the past and will continue to do so in the future.. I live in zone 7

  • D Jan 25, 2022

    Our front and back yard is mostly shaded by trees/bushes. What would grow well there? Zone 6

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