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Tamba Bean - Kuro Otsubu
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Tamba Bean - Kuro Otsubu
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Kitazawa Seed Company

Tamba Bean - Kuro Otsubu

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120-150 days maturity. Glycine max 'Tamba Kuro Otsubu'. Kuro Otsubu Tamba Black Soy Bean Seeds. Non-GMO, Heirloom. Warm season annual. Open pollinated. This variety is famous in Japan for its rich flavor and is eaten as fresh edamame, but also dried for kuromame, miso, and shoyu. Black soybeans are similar to its green cousin as a late maturing type. These protein-packed capsules are frequently used throughout Asia. Due to its high yield to space ratio, it is perfect for container gardening in addition to traditional methods. Approx 65 seeds / oz.

Annual Badge
Non-GMO Badge
Vegetable Badge

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