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Salvia Victoria Series Blue Seed
Salvia Victoria Series White Seed
Salvia Non GMO Flower Planting Seed
Salvia Victoria Series Blue Seed
Salvia Victoria Series White Seed
Salvia Non GMO Flower Planting Seed
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Salvia Seeds - Victoria Series

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98-112 days. Victoria Series salvia seeds grow a unique and exotic twist to familiar lavender garden favorites. Victoria Series seeds promise mature 18-20 inch leafy salvias with uniform 8 inch lavender or white stalks perfect for invigorating a stale flower bed, walkway, patio, or living room. Victoria Series salvia seeds are an easy-to-grow, cool, and vibrant accent to any seasonal bouquets, baskets, or centerpieces. Salvia Victoria Series seeds are vigorous garden performers thriving in hot, humid climates where other lavender-blooming varieties would decline. ~29,072 seeds/oz.

Annual Badge
Non-GMO Badge

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