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Instructions - Sprouting Tray Method

Instructions - Sprouting Tray Method

How to Grow Sprouts

It’s easy to grow delicious, healthy sprouts. To be a good sprouter, just pay attention to four simple variables: the right amount of moisture, the correct temperature, the free circulation of air, and minimal contact with light. Rinse the sprouts several times a day to keep them moist and wash away carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes that could cause souring or spoiling. Use cool water when rinsing; this ventilates and cools the sprouts, and prevents overheating. Proper draining prevents excessive moisture that can cause mold and rot. The ideal sprouting temperature varies from seed to seed, but generally lies between 70 and 85 degrees. To protect your sprouts, keep them away from cold drafts, direct heat, and any light. To keep air circulating freely among the sprouts, keep at least one third of the container empty. Sprouts expand to six to ten times their original size over a few days, so leave plenty of room for them to grow. Sprouts are very light sensitive in the early stages of the growing cycle, and need to be covered.

  1. Rinse Often.
  2. Keep them moist, not wet.
  3. Keep them at room temperature.
  4. Give them plenty of room to breathe.
  5. Don’t put too many in any one container.
  6. Keep them covered - no light.


  • Step One: Soak Overnight

Spread an even, uncrowded layer of seeds on the bottom of your sprouting tray. This layer of seeds will make up the perfect amount to sprout with. Place those seeds in the sprouting cover and soak overnight.

  • Step Two: Spread Evenly
Pour out the soak water. Place the tray at an angle to strain out any extra water in a location not exposed to direct sun- light. Turn the tray to spread the seed; cover with the next tray and leave for three to four hours.
  • Step Three: Cover & Set Aside

Use the cover to protect from light and possible airborne contaminants. Use the extra sprout cover as a drain board on the bottom and stack all three sprouters if you’re using them all. Place the tray in a cool, dry place.

  • Step Four: Rinsing

Rinse two to three times daily under faucet. Check the bottom of the tray for signs of mold. If you find any, wipe off with a paper towel and rinse again. This occurrence is not common, and may be further reduced by using anti-bacterial and anti-fungal vegetable washes.

  • Step Five: Expose to Sunlight
In a day or two, tiny leaves will begin to appear on sprouts such as alfalfa, cabbage, etc. Uncover any compartment containing these to allow indirect light to enter, but do not place in direct sunlight. Use the cover underneath the sprouter tray as a drain board and pour out any excess drainage each day.

  • Step Six: Harvest & Enjoy
Harvest by cleaning to remove hulls and drain well. Hulls rinse out easily by pouring the water through the exit ports on the side of the trays. Sprouts will stay fresh & hearty for a week or more when refrigerated, if you rinse them every day. You can even give the green sprouts an extra hour or two of sunlight after rinsing to keep them at their nutritional peak.
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