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How to Grow Radish Microgreens Guide

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Radishes are one of our most popular microgreen crops. Depending on the variety, they can have white, green, pink, or purple stems and green or purple leaves. Most radishes have a bit of a spicy flavor to them, making them a great choice for garnishing tacos, burgers, salads, and more! Follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully grow your own radish microgreens.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Days to Harvest: 8-10
  • Seed Rate: 20-30 grams (2-3 Tablespoons)
  • Initial Soak: Not Required
  • Preferred Growing Medium: Soil or Hydroponic

How to Grow Radish Microgreens Step-By-Step

1 - Select A Tray - Radish microgreens grow well in traditional 5x5, 10x10, or 10x20 trays. They also grow well in self-watering trays for those who like to live life on the go.

2 - Prepare The Growing Medium - Soil-based mediums should be hydrated but not overly soaked. Keeping your soil too wet throughout the grow may result in mold, damping off, or rot. If growing with a hydroponic mat, place it in your tray and make sure it is well-hydrated. Excess water should be drained away. Be sure to place your mat in the tray first before hydrating it as some hydroponic materials easily tear and cannot be adjusted once it has contact with water.

3 - Plant The Seeds - Spread 20-30 grams of seed per 1020 tray. This is approximately 2-3 Tablespoons of radish seeds. This amount should be scaled down for smaller tray sizes. Radish seeds should not be “shoulder to shoulder.” Planting too densely may result in poor air circulation and trapped moisture that encourages mold growth or damping off.

4 - Cover The Seeds During Germination For 2-4 Days - Radishes grow best if covered with another tray or some type of flat surface. We recommend nestling another tray inside the one you have planted your seeds in. This helps the seeds to germinate and emerge at the same rate. Otherwise, you may observe a wavy pattern in your microgreens as different parts of the tray germinate and develop at slightly different rates. This is commonly observed in uncovered radish microgreens. A tray covering creates a more uniform environment for germination and resistance for better stem development.

5 - Cover For 1-2 Blackout Days - After the seeds have germinated and stems are just emerging, turn the nestled tray upside down to create a blackout dome. Blackout the microgreens for an additional 1-2 days to cause the stems to stretch to no more than 2-2.5 inches, making them easier to harvest.

6 - Uncover and Expose to Light - Remove the blackout covering and expose your microgreens to light. It is normal for them to be a yellow color at this stage. Exposing them to light will allow them to develop their natural coloration. You may set your microgreens near a bright window or utilize grow lights. If growing by natural window light, turn your trays each day. They will naturally lean towards the light. Turning the tray each day, or half-way through the day, will keep the stems relatively upright. For reliable growth, we love growing microgreens with the Boost MaxPro LED lights because they are energy efficient and stay cool to the touch.

7 - Harvesting Radish Microgreens - Once your microgreens reach the desired size and color, use a sharp knife or scissors to harvest. Gently grab a small clump with one hand while cutting the stems near the growing surface. Set your freshly cut microgreens aside. Microgreens may be harvested all at once or over several days. Fresh microgreens are best used within 2-3 days of harvesting.

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