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End of Summer Seed Clearance Sale

The following items are discounted 40 percent when the code "OCT40" is used. Simply type the code OCT40 (ALL CAPS) at checkout to apply the 40% off discount to the following products. This code will only discount the products found on this page while we are overstocked. Check this page regularly to see new discounted items as available. This is not a one time use code. This means you can use it again for new items added to this list at a later time. These items will only be discounted for a short time. This promotion won't last long!

Essential Spring Herbs - 6 Pack

Dig into spring and sow big with this spring 6-pack of popular garden herbs. No garden is complete without a variety of fresh herbs to choose from all season long. Herbs are easy to start growing indoors or out. The Essential Spring Herb 6-pack includes these Non-GMO heirloom seeds: Rosemary, Parsley, Arugula, Garlic Chives, Anise, and Dill.

Compact Emergency Bug Out Bag - 19 Pack

Non-GMO Bug Out Bag Survival Garden Vegetable & Herb Seeds. The Compact Bug Out Bag features 19 of the hardiest and most proven herbs and vegetables in the garden. The Compact Collection Bug Out Bag includes a 75-page Vegetable Growing Guide of the best practices for planting, growing, and harvesting each of the crops from your emergency survival garden.

Perfect Pickle Seeds Collection - Entire Kit

The Perfect Pickle Seed Collection includes everything you need for a busy of season of nonstop canning and pickling. Featuring culinary dill and four of the most prolific cucumber varieties, the Perfect Pickle collection is handpicked of only the most reliable varieties ready to harvest in about 56-70 days.

Mexican Salsa - Deluxe Assortment Only

Start your own Mexican Salsa garden seeds indoors and get a jump on the growing season. Also perfect for transplanting to indoor planters for year-round container gardening. Cultivate your own vegetables and herbs ideal for Mexican salsa and pico de gallo and enjoy the fun and benefits of indoor gardening. Easy to follow instructions and an assortment of salad garden seeds (enough for multiple plantings).

Culinary Herb Seed Collection

This Heirloom, Non-GMO, Culinary Herb Collection is handpicked of 10 of the most popular heirloom herbs both in and out of the garden. Featuring both annuals and perennials, Culinary Herb Collection will keep the kitchen in fresh herbs all year long.

Mexican Salsa- Basic Assortment Only

Start your own Mexican Salsa garden seeds indoors and get a jump on the growing season. Also perfect for transplanting to indoor planters for year-round container gardening. Cultivate your own vegetables and herbs ideal for Mexican salsa and pico de gallo and enjoy the fun and benefits of indoor gardening. Easy to follow instructions and an assortment of salad garden seeds (enough for multiple plantings).

Organic Vegetable 10 Seed Assortment

The Organic Vegetable Seed Collection includes 10 current crop year vegetable garden seeds. This selection of heirloom, non-GMO seed varieties includes: Broccoli, Basil, Watermelon, Cilantro, Carrot, Kale, & More.

Herb Seed Assortment - Essential Culinary Collection

The Essential Culinary Herb Seed Collection includes the ever popular Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Parsley, and Oregano Seeds. Designed as a gift for gardeners, chefs, and families these five herbs may be grown in indoor or outdoor gardens and used in a variety of cooking.

Chef's Specialty Seed Assortment - Mexican Cuisine Garden

The Mexican Cuisine Garden celebrates the wide diversity of Mexican cuisine. Some vegetables like the iconic Mexcian chiles will be very familiar, and no taco is plate is complete without a couple of crunchy radishes. This will surely become a new favorite in the fall alongside drying red chiles and coriander seed.

Culinary Herb Deluxe Assortment Only

Grow your own fresh cooking herbs indoors year round. Add zest and flavor to your cooking, and enjoy the fun and benefits of indoor gardening. Nothing improves your cooking like fresh herbs. Easy to follow instructions, and an assortment of culinary herb seeds (enough for multiple plantings).

Medicinal and Tea Herb Assortment - Basic Only

Grow your own fresh medicinal and tea herbs indoors year round. Cultivate your own fresh, medicinal and herbal tea herbs, and enjoy the fun and benefits of indoor gardening. Easy to follow instructions and an assortment of medicinal and herbal tea herb seeds (enough for multiple plantings).

Seasonal Seed Assortment - Summer

This carefully crafted collection of heirloom garden seeds makes it easy to plan your Summer Garden.These seeds are designed to sow during the hot months and will either be available for harvest in summer or early fall. Includes 7 varieties of non-gmo current crop vegetable garden seeds.

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