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Melon Cantaloupe Planters Jumbo Seed
Non GMO Melon Garden Seeds
non gmo planters jumbo cantaloupe melon seed packet
Melon Cantaloupe Planters Jumbo Seed
Non GMO Melon Garden Seeds
non gmo planters jumbo cantaloupe melon seed packet
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Melon Seeds - Cantaloupe - Planters Jumbo

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80-90 days. The Planters Jumbo variety of cantaloupe is a large melon, weighing four to five pounds, with a sweet taste. The vine produces melons that reach maturity in eighty to ninety days. These seeds do best with full sun, in zones three to nine. Rich, sandy soil is preferable. Planters Jumbo does well in wet or dry conditions and is a favorite with growers. Firm rind and sweet, deep orange flesh. This melon variety was developed to grow in hot humid climates and is resistant to Powdery and Downy Mildew. Melons are 7 by 6 inches and average 4 to 5 pounds each.

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