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Carrot Royal Chantenay Seeds
Carrot Seeds - Royal Chantenay
GMO Free Carrot Vegetable Seed
Carrot Royal Chantenay Seeds
Carrot Seeds - Royal Chantenay
GMO Free Carrot Vegetable Seed
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Carrot Seeds - Royal Chantenay

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65-70 days. Royal Chantenay Carrot Seeds. Daucus carota subsp. sativus. Non-GMO. Heirloom. From the Chantenay region of France, Chantenay is an old-world favorite grown for denser, stubbier roots. A 19th century heirloom, Royal Chantenay carrot seeds had been first commercially sold in 1952 by the pioneering seed merchant Northrup King and Company as a delicious, modern cross with the exceedingly dense and prolific Red Cored Chantenay. ~18,000 seeds/oz.

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