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Asparagus Fern Seeds - A. sprengeri
Non-Gmo Asparagus Fern Plant - A. sprengeri
sprengeri asparagus fern seed packet
Asparagus Fern Seeds - A. sprengeri
Non-Gmo Asparagus Fern Plant - A. sprengeri
sprengeri asparagus fern seed packet
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Asparagus Fern Seeds - Sprengeri

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105-119 days. Sprengeri Asparagus Fern Seeds. Open Pollinated house plant seeds. Sprengeri Asparagus Fern seeds grow an ideal substitute to more traditional seasonal greenery. Sprengeri is easy to grow from seed and matures into herbacious and hardy 36-48" tall bushy shrubs known to be tolerant to many insects and diseases. Asparagus Fern provides a vast ground cover, a perfect grow for mass borders, open fields, and popular for commercial and business properties. Sprengeri is native to the rugged demands of southern Africa and will thrive in a variety of similarly warm and shaded gardens.

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