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Growing Wheatgrass Starter Guide | Learn to Grow Wheat Grass

Growing Wheatgrass Starter Guide

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll. It contains enzymes, and is high in natural sources of Vitamins A and C, is exceptionally rich in B Vitamins, and is high in protein. Additionally, wheatgrass juice is an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc. According to Dr. Ann Wigmore, 15 pounds of fresh wheatgrass is nutritionally equivalent to 350 pounds of the choicest vegetables. Drinking fresh wheatgrass juice is one of the best ways to improve your health and well being.

In addition to the health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice, growing you own is satisfying and empowering. Wheatgrass is easy to grow and will provide you a year-round source of green live foods for you and your family. Growing wheatgrass indoors releases humidity and oxygen into the air which helps our respiratory system. It also purifies the air during its photosynthesis. It is a pretty trendy decor as an added benefit!

New to Growing Wheatgrass? - Getting Started

Never tried growing before but don’t know where to start? Our wheatgrass kits include detailed step-by-step growing instructions that will have you growing a thick, healthy tray of wheatgrass on your first try! We have taken all the guess work out of growing wheatgrass. You’d be amazed at how fun, easy and fast the process is. Getting started requires only one decision: Do you want to grow in soil, or hydroponically?

Growing In Soil Vs. Hydroponically – We offer kits to help you get started growing either in soil or using our innovative hydroponic growing mats. Which is the best choice for you? It’s all up to your personal preference. What we can tell you is that our customers prefer growing in soil about 2 to 1 over growing hydroponically, but growing hydroponically is becoming more popular. They are both equally easy to grow and two trays (one in soil and one hydroponic) next to each other are indistinguishable. At the end of the day, soil is more natural and probably makes for slightly more nutrient rich grass, but hydroponic is less messy.

The Organic Wheatgrass Kit

Try our most popular Wheatgrass kit: The Organic Wheatgrass Kit.

Hydroponic Wheatgrass Growing Kit

Try our Hydroponic Wheatgrass Kit for a soil free experience. Hydroponic Wheatgrass Kit.

Supplies include: certified organic wheatgrass seed, organic growing medium, growing trays, Azomite trace mineral fertilizer, growing instructions, and a comprehensive book about wheatgrass.

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Why Grow My Own?

We make growing your own wheatgrass super easy and fun. With our starter kits, you’ll be growing thick, lush wheatgrass like a pro on your very first batch. You can grow with just a small amount of counter space indoors all year long. Growing your own is easy, fun and makes a wonderful hobby. Growing your own makes so much sense:

Save Money Growing Your Own

  • Cost of Growing Your Own: Grow your own for only 85 cents per ounce. That includes the cost of a manual juicer spread out over 240 ounces (about a year supply drinking 1 ounce 5 days a week). If you already have a juicer your cost per ounce of wheatgrass juice is under 50 cents!
  • Juice Bar Cost: Average juice bar cost $2.75/ounce.
  • Annual Savings: Save over $550 per year on fresh wheatgrass juice if you drink 5 ounces a week and have your juicer “paid off”.
fresh grown wheatgrass for juicing

Fresh Juice vs. Powdered Juice - Powdered wheatgrass juice is a very popular nutritional supplement but from our perspective wheatgrass powder doesn’t have LIFE! LIFE is an ingredient in living foods that cannot be replaced once it is gone. Fresh squeezed wheatgrass juice is full of living chlorophyll, enzymes and nutrients that are highly bio-available. Ann Wigmore, wheatgrass pioneer, recommending drinking wheatgrass juice within 6 minutes of juicing. However, powdered wheatgrass juice still packs an impressive nutritional benefit, minus the life force. We recommend fresh squeezed wheatgrass juice whenever possible, but powdered juice and wheatgrass supplements are a great alternative when you are busy or traveling.

What about a Juicer?

In the early days of wheatgrass there was really only one option of a juicer that would extract juice from grass. Today, there are at least 20 juicers that will do wheatgrass. We have narrowed it down to our very favorites. We carry a huge selection of manual and electric juicers that will juice wheatgrass, including our favorites below. Wheatgrass has to be pressed and squeezed for maximum yield. A standard centrifugal type juicer will just spin it really fast, chew it up and get out very little juice. Masticating juicers with augers that squeeze and press at a very low rotation per minute are the very best. The best part about masticating auger based juicers is that they will also juice fruits, veggies, and make things like baby food and ice cream. Below is a list of our favorites.

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Other Growing Tips:
Hard Red wheatgrass seed
  • Trays - Drain Holes vs. No Drain Holes: Garden trays with holes work best for wheatgrass so excess water can drain off. When the water drains off it allows the soil to dry between watering and helps prevent mold. We do offer trays without holes you can put under the trays with holes to act as a drip tray to catch the drainage.
  • All Seed Is Not Created Equal – We have been growing wheatgrass commercially since 1990 and we have tried every variety and variation of wheat and guess what? Not all wheat grows wheatgrass well. We buy several hundred tons of wheat each year for our customers and growers and we constantly test new varieties. But have not found one better than the one we have offered for over 14 years from the same farmer. It is a 100% certified organic hard red wheat with the best germination rates and best wheatgrass results. The blades are thicker and grow more evenly than in other varieties we have tried. It stores really well and is great for sprouting (what’s sprouting?) as well. If you haven’t had fantastic results in the past… try our wheat.
  • Racks & Grow Lights - Growing lights and racks can be helpful if you are making the transition to growing more wheatgrass than one or two trays at a time. If you will be growing your wheatgrass in a place that doesn’t get much light, LED growing lights will help the grass grow healthy, thick and dark green with chlorophyll. Wheatgrass likes indirect sunlight. Grow lights are a perfect substitute. For large families, friends, or wheatgrass, sprouts and microgreens enthusiasts, a growing rack can provide light and space to your indoor garden paradise.
  • Growing in Bulk – If you are an expert grower or looking to grow wheatgrass for people in your neighborhood or local juice bars… we can help! Please give us a call for deals on growing trays, 50 LB + purchases of wheat seed, trace minerals, and ideas for how to make a successful business out of growing wheatgrass for others.
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    Learn More About Wheatgrass

    We have 100s of pages of information, videos, growing tips, articles and more submitted by customers and wheatgrass experts to support you in your wheatgrass growing experience. Please check out a few of our favorite sources of information and make sure to sign up for our newsletter for all the latest up to date info on wheatgrass.

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