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Sour Leaf Chin Baung Kyaw

Chin Baung Kyaw is a popular vegetable Burmese dish. The flavor is mouth-watering sour, spicy, and savory. The main ingredient is fresh roselle leaves. Fried roselle leaves go well with hot rice.

  • 1 lb fresh Roselle leaves
  • 1/2 cup julienne sliced bamboo shoots
  • 6ā€“8 garlic cloves
  • 2 shallot or equal amount of shallot to garlic
  • 2ā€“3 teaspoons of hot chili powder or ground chili flakes
  • 2ā€“3 tablespoons of canola oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh shrimp cut into 4ā€“5 pieces or 1/4 cup of dried shrimp
  • Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 2ā€“3 tablespoons of fish sauce
  • 3ā€“5 fresh green chili
  • Pull roselle leaves from stem, wash, drain, and put aside. Pound or food process dried shrimp (if using this ingredient) and garlic separately. Thinly slice shallots. Heat pan and add oil. Add garlic and shallots and fry until slightly golden color. Stir and add turmeric, paprika, and chili powder. Add a little sugar for flavor. Add shrimp and stir to coat with sauce. Add bamboo shoots. Add roselle leaves and stir gently in a scooping motion. Cover and simmer until leaves are cooked. Add fish sauce and scoop from bottom to top. Uncover and continue cooking until desired texture and water is absorbed. Top with fresh green chili.

    Seeds for this recipe:
    Roselle leaves

    Further Reading

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