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purple romagna artichoke
purple romagna artichoke seed packet
non gmo purple romagna artichoke seed bag
purple romagna artichoke
purple romagna artichoke seed packet
non gmo purple romagna artichoke seed bag
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Artichoke Seeds - Purple Romagna

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Purple Romagna Artichoke Seeds. How To Grow Artichokes From Seed: Start the Artichoke seeds indoors in late winter. Many gardeners recommend a chilling period for the young Artichoke herb plants with temperatures below 50F in order to produce the buds. Plant outdoors after danger of frost has passed in rich Organic soil. In hot weather, give the plants deep soakings of water, watering them from the base. To winter the Artichoke plants, cut them down to 8 - 10 inches and mulch them heavily. What grows next year will be offshoots of the parent plant. Prefer full sun. Perennial, Zones 8-11.

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