Growing Non-GMO Nana Arabian Coffee Seeds
Nana Coffee seeds can be planted any time of year indoors or outdoors in zones 9-11. The seeds should be soaked for 24 hours prior to sowing. We recommend discarding any seeds that float after being soaked. This is a sign they may not be viable. *Note: All of the seeds may float right after being placed into water. Allow them time to sink over the 24-hour period. You may want to occasionally stir them. Seeds that float may still be planted as floating is not a sure sign of being unviable. However, we recommend also sowing some that sunk for greater assurance that you are planting a viable seed. Sow the seeds in damp, well-draining sandy soil. Be patient! Coffee seeds can take up to 4 months to germinate. Keep the soil moist until the sprouts appear. Once they have germinated, ensure that the soil is acidic (6.0-6.5pH) and well-draining. Water regularly; the frequency depends on the environment and age of the plant, but the soil should never be allowed to dry out or be waterlogged either.
Coffee plants prefer full, indirect sunlight. For example, a south-facing window that gets 8 or more hours of sun but has a sheer curtain over it to reduce the intensity would be perfect. If your coffee plant leaves begin to brown, this may be a sign that it is getting too much direct sunlight. Coffee plants also thrive in humidity. If the edges of the leaves start to turn brown, increase humidity with a humidifier, a tray of water below, or simply misting the plant regularly. They will benefit from regular fertilization every few weeks during the growing season. Once established, prune the plant back after harvesting to keep it in a desirable form. Yearly pruning will also encourage greater yields in the year to come.
Nana Arabian Coffee as a House Plant
This variety of coffee tree is the best variety for indoor use. It typically does not grow more than 2 ft tall while still producing beautiful glossy leaves and berries. You will also be able to harvest a modest amount of coffee beans after 3-4 years! The plant can be moved outdoors during the summer to ‘air out’ and moved back into the house during the winter if desired.
Harvesting Nana Arabian Coffee Beans
Although harvesting takes 3-5 years after germination, it is an exciting event to look forward to. The berries should be picked when bright red. There should be two seeds per berry. Remove the red flesh from the bean within and ferment the beans in water for 3-5 days. Replace the water if it gets cloudy overnight. Rinse and pat dry. Once the beans are cleaned and dried, they can be roasted in a pan on the stovetop. Continuously stir while roasting until the desired darkness is reached. Then, separate the skin by placing the beans between two towels and rolling over them with a rolling pin. Shake the beans into a bowl or pan and shuffle them as you blow the skins away. The beans are now ready to grind and brew into coffee.
About Nana Arabian Coffee Garden Seeds
Despite your excitement to consume your own homegrown coffee, be patient! No other part of this plant is edible and may be toxic to humans and animals. If you have pets in the house that like to eat houseplants, either skip this one or keep it well out of reach if possible.
This variety of coffee plants is one of the best for indoor use. Its compact habit and attractive leaves can accentuate any space.
If you have had your indoor coffee plant for over 5 years with no sign of flowering or berry production, take stock of how the plant has been treated. Has it had 8+ hours of indirect sunlight each day? Has it been fertilized regularly during the summer? Has it been watered consistently but not waterlogged? Evaluate all the factors and make a change if possible. Keep in mind the native conditions it thrives best in with tropical, humid conditions.
Even houseplants need dormancy periods. In the winter when temperatures are naturally slightly lower, even indoors, reduce the amount of watering it receives and cease fertilization until spring comes again.
Large coffee plants produce about 1 lb of ground coffee each year once mature. Nana typically produces less than that simply because it is a smaller plant. If you wish to completely transfer your coffee consumption to homegrown, you will need to either cut back on coffee or get multiple plants to harvest each year.
This variety of coffee plant is native to Ethiopia but has been sold as a houseplant around the world for decades.
Stories From Our Gardeners
"Even though I don’t drink coffee, I love Nana Coffee Plants as houseplants. They are supremely attractive, and I love the visual contrast of the red berries on the green foliage."
- Lara Wadsworth, True Leaf Market Writer
Nana Arabian Coffee Seeds Per Package:
- 10 Seed Packet - Wholesale - Approximately 10 Seeds
- 100 Seed Packet - Wholesale - Approximately 100 Seeds
- 1,000 Seed Packet - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 1,000 Seeds
Non-GMO Nana Coffee Plant seeds are available for Fast Free Shipping on qualifying orders.