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What Are The Best Flowers To Plant In Your Vegetable Garden?

About the Author

Erica Groneman
Hi, I’m Erica Groneman. I am a mom, volunteer, and a gardener. There’s something satisfying about getting my hands dirty and watching things grow.

I believe gardening is universal and crosses all boundaries, bringing us all together. I hope we can share in the joy of growing together. Thanks for stopping by!

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  • Bob Stitt Jan 30

    I am interested in learning about your ambassador program.
    I have been a customer for several years. I am 83 years and started my first garden when I was 5 or 6.
    An aunt who just passed away dug about a 4×4 garden to plant wax beans.
    I had my first problem a few days later. ‘Every day the beans popped out of the ground and I had to keep pushing them down’ .

    About the only times I did not have a garden. I always tried at least 1 new item in the garden.

    I sold my 3 acre in Altoona WI about 6 years ago. My wife had passed away and I moved to an apartment.
    I decided look for small acreage and a house. It took over a year to find 12 acres and started a remote garden away from the house. I planted daffodils, alliums and other perennials so I had flowers blooming there.

    Last year I put up a green house, started a number of tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, a lot of flowers and other things.

    I also have a flock of free range chickens.

    I debated about whether I should plow up small areas for seniors and handicapped. That is still up in the air as I am wary of the liability.

    I will probably also probably start beehives.

  • Cookie Jan 29

    Thanks for easy read yet useful information…also the pictures. Companion planting is both practical and pretty.

  • Robyn Jan 29

    Loved the article.I live to garden! Using my True Leaf slow bot cilantro as a living mulch.I use horse troughs as planters and always plant nasturtiums on the ends,hummingbirds love them.

  • Mark Jan 29

    Do you have a plant that will keep away deer from eating everything in sight? In the last 2 years I’ve had to cage all my vegetables and early flowers, or the deer will mow them down to the ground.

  • Suzette Peery Dec 11, 2024

    Your information is great! My family were gardeners, but I have been out of the garden for many years. I feel like I am starting over. Do you have more information on companion plants or know where I can find more information? Any information would be very helpful.
    Thank you for your time,

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