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Revitalize and Beautify Your Ground with Summer Cover Crops!

Further Reading

baby greens close up

Winter Wellness: Embracing Microgreens and Cool Season Vegetables

Written By Lara Wadsworth According to the University of Texas, at least ten million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder, otherwise known as seasonal depression. As the Holidays have passed and life has returned to normal, it is hard not...

Sachem Public Library Seed Library 2024 Display

Sachem Seed Library: Establishing Gardens and Connecting Community

There are always members of your community that can be helped through gardening. The Sachem Public Library has created greater access to gardening and fresh, healthy foods in their community by creating a seed library where local patrons can access...

sprout for health header green with sprout illustrations

Sprout for Health - Wheatgrass and Superfoods

This week is all about wheatgrass and superfoods. When people think about eating healthy, they often focus on calorie counting and portion sizes, but we want to focus on the quality of the food being consumed instead. Healthy foods are...

Sprout for Health Blog Header

Sprout for Health - Check Your Micro-Gains

Are you ready for some micro-gains this week? As part of our month-long Sprout for Health Challenge, we are growing microgreens and strong, healthy habits one day at a time. Microgreens may seem small and insignificant, but their potential to...

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