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Cover Crop Gardening in the Midwest

Further Reading

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  • Cheryl Coogen Nov 4, 2021

    I grow my veggies in Gro-Bags. How can I use cover crops in this situation?

  • Sarah Sep 10, 2021

    What if you crop the cover crop down and you can’t get it dry because of spring rain?

  • Richard Hardy Sep 8, 2021

    Great article. Regenerative agriculture is one major way to combat global warming. Our nation’s soil used to sequester carbon but commercial agriculture has never evolved enough to put tilling in the rear view mirror. Our soil gets continuously turned over and exposed to the sun where it turns to useless dirt instead of healthy and vigorous soil. Cover crops are a key component of healthy soil. Time to realize there’s an entire universe of nutrients below our topsoil.

  • Allison Sep 8, 2021

    I ordered some clover seeds as a cover crop and this will be my first time attempting a cover crop for the winter … I live in zone 8a and was hoping to get a winter garden in but a TON of rain followed by high temperatures killed most of the vegetable seedlings :*( If I sow the clover seeds now and they flower over these next few growing months, does that negate their effectiveness as a cover crop?

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