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"Hardening Off" The Right Way

Further Reading

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  • Mary Hughes Jun 8

    This was very helpful

  • Donna Read Apr 13, 2021

    I used to agonize over how long to leave my starts out after a couple of days rest after transplanting them to 4" pots so they can build good root balls. Every year I lost numerous starts to scald, damping off and wind damage in spite of my best efforts. 3 years ago I came up with a brilliant idea to protect them while hardening…I cut the front of our cat litter jugs out leaving a lip to hold the pots in and put them out with the cutout facing away from the sun. This works best with the translucent style jugs so the light is diffuse but the plants are still protected from scald and they’re totally protected from the wind. The handles make them so easy to transport to the garden when they’re ready to plant as well.

  • Becky French Apr 13, 2021

    Thank you! The details you offer on hardening off (especially lowest temperature) are very helpful! We’ve had to be very careful to protect our seedlings from bunnies as we do the hardening off, as the bunnies will come right up to our doorstep to eat seedlings if they are unprotected-just to warn folks.

  • Michael Gallo Apr 5, 2019

    How long do I “Hardening off” of broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower ?

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