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Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 8 oz
Green Pea (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 1 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 2.5 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 5 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 35 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 8 oz
Green Pea (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 1 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 2.5 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 5 lb
Green Pea Sprouting Seed - Organic 35 lb
Handy Pantry

Green Pea (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods

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Green peas are a classic addition to any kitchen or home garden. These dried green peas have been tested for microbes and can be used for microgreens, food storage, cooking, and planting in your personal garden. Available in various quantities. Certified Organic.

Heirloom Badge
Non-GMO Badge
Organic Badge
Vegetable Badge

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