Organic Soybean Vegetable Garden Seeds - Below Standard - Low Germ
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Germination Details
Germination: 52%
State (Utah) Requirements: 75%
- Suggested Use/s: Gardening
- Special Directions: This seed is -23% below standard. Increase the number of seeds you plant accordingly to make sure you get the growth you envision.
What is "Below Standard Seed"?
Simply put, it is seed that doesn't meet our state's (Utah) germination standard, a standard that varies slightly from seed to seed. Any seed intended for gardening that has a below standard germination rate cannot be sold alongside those that meet the state requirements (which often reflect the national requirements for germination).
We send samples of all our seed to the Utah Department of Agriculture, where they perform several tests to assess the quality of the seed. These state-wide and national seed standards are in line with Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA), which exist to ensure consumers that they are getting the highest quality seed, as advertised. Since this seed doesn't meet the state standard, we mark it as "Below Standard Seed".
Low germination seeds are non-refundable.
Click here to view regularly priced, high germination seed.
Growing Organic Soybean Seeds in the Vegetable Garden
Non-GMO Organic soybean cover crop is a full sun favorite best grown directly in early spring for summer mulching, or late fall for spring tilling. Broadcast soybean seed directly and lightly rake and tamp into soil or, for more traditional planting, directly sow 1-2 Organic soybean seeds ½" deep and 6-8" apart in average garden soil in full sun. As a legume, soybean should be treated in legume inoculant prior to sowing to ensure roots develop healthy nodules to provide the most amount of nitrogen back into the soil. Non-GMO Organic soybeans germinate in 3-7 days and, if row planting, thin back to one plant every 12" apart in the garden as true leaves establish. Allow Glycine max L. Merr to dry before watering since overwatering and saturation make the plant susceptible to mildews, rust, stem rotting, and bacteria. Organic soybean seeds mature into a 24-48" tall legume cover crop with a convenient 15-18" wide bushy spread. When seeded as a cover crop, mow non-GMO Organic soybean when it has reached 50% blooms, mulching back into garden soil 3-4 weeks before sowing new crop. However, soybean is also popularly left as a no-till crop, helping to establish the tilth for next growing season. Organic soybean should be inoculated prior to planting to ensure root develop proper nitrogen-fixing nodules and able to develop the most benefits to the soil.
Organic Soybean Seed Uses:
Glycine max L. Merr, or more commonly known as soy bean or soya bean, is one of the most diverse and widespread crops in the world. Most popular for unfermented use, soybean serves as the hearty protein base for many meat and dairy substitutes such as soy milk and tofu, which itself have countless uses. The soybean plant is also cultivated for many fermented uses such as soy sauces, pastes, natto, and tempeh. Although recently celebrated as a restorative garden cover crop, non-GMO soy bean is also grown to maturity for its rapidly-producing pods full of protein, dietary fiber, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and plenty of more essential vitamins.
Organic Soybean Benefits:
Non-GMO Glycine max L. Merr is a popular cover crop traditionally sown in the fall to replenish nitrogen content in garden soil while breaking up tough soils. Perhaps moreso than other cover crops, soybean is cultivated for its firm roots known to help minimize garden erosion, improve soil tilth and structure, while bolstering weed suppression. Soybean roots are also popularly left untilled in the garden, in which gardeners trust in the power of the roots to have restructured the garden soil to best allow new root growth, drainage, weed control, and oxygen. Although the "till vs. no till" debate is still very active, soybean seems to be a variety that is preferred to be left untilled after the seasonal mow. However, as a legume, Organic soybean will benefit immensely from a legume inoculant to ensure its ability to maximize its nitrogen production in the soil.
Seeds Per Package:
- 5 lb - Approximately 17,760 Seeds
- 25 lb Approximately 88,800 Seeds