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Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Kitazawa Seed Company

Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme

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Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Basella alba. 60 days. Warm season annual/perennial. Malabar spinach thrives in warm weather and is tolerant of heat and humidity. It is a perennial tropical plant. This variety has a green stem and dark green thick fleshy leaves. In cooler areas, it will not overwinter but will produce a good harvest as an annual. It is also called Basella or alugbati in the Philippines. ~975 seeds / oz.

Annual Badge
Heirloom Badge
Non-GMO Badge
Vegetable Badge

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