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Beet Seeds - Ruby Queen (Organic)
Sustainable Packaging
Beet Seeds - Ruby Queen (Organic)
Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Seed Company

Beet Seeds - Ruby Queen (Organic)

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50-55 Days to maturity. Beta vulgaris. Organic Ruby Queen Beet Seeds. Non-GMO, cool weather annual, organic, heirloom, open-pollinated, AAS winner 1957. This delicious multi-use beet can be used for the greens as well as the bulbs when fully grown. These organic, sweet-tasting beets are easy to grow and are the perfect choice for the home gardener. Ruby Queen is ideal for northern gardens because it can withstand near-freezing temperatures for early or late planting. ~1,200 seeds/oz.

AAS Winner Badge
Annual Badge
Heirloom Badge
Non-GMO Badge
Organic Badge
Vegetable Badge

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