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Wild Bergamot Herb Seeds - Monarda fistulosa
Non-GMO Wild Bergamot Herbs - Monarda fistulosa - Bulk Seeds
monarda fistulose wild bergamot seed packet
Wild Bergamot Herb Seeds - Monarda fistulosa
Non-GMO Wild Bergamot Herbs - Monarda fistulosa - Bulk Seeds
monarda fistulose wild bergamot seed packet
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Wild Bergamot Seeds - Bee Balm

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60-64 Days. Bergamot Seed - AKA Bee Balm. Monarda fistulosa. Non-GMO, open-pollinated, perennial seed with a high germination rate. Herb can be used for bergamot tea, bergamot perfume, bergamot oil, bergamot extract, and more. The bergamot herb originated in Missouri and has been used by Native Americans to make tea, used for antiseptic properties and other medicinal benefits. Bergamot herb seed germinates successfully and grows in many conditions.~78,183 seeds/oz.

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