Growing Non-GMO Bolero French Marigold Flower Seeds
Marigold seeds can be directly sown where they will grow. Start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost for earlier blooms. Germinate them in a warm, well-lit area. Harden off the seedlings gradually before permanently transplanting them outdoors. After sowing and transplanting, the marigolds should be watered heavily.
Avoid overhead watering, as this can cause diseases easily avoidable with proper irrigation. These gorgeous marigolds will bloom right up until the last frost. Deadheading them throughout the season can keep the plants looking clean and highly productive. Keep the area weed-free for beautiful vibrant blooms all summer. Adding mulch around the base of the plants can suppress weeds and decrease watering needs.
Bolero French Marigold in the Flower Garden
French marigolds are every flower gardener’s best friend. They go well with a variety of garden styles, require little maintenance once established, and are deer resistant! Utilize these beauties in borders, containers, vegetable gardens, flower beds, and more to repel common garden pests. Any Mexican or Latin-themed garden would be incomplete without these easy-going pom poms.
Companion Planting With Bolero French Marigolds
French marigolds are the perfect, easy companion plant for numerous other species. Because marigolds are resistant to deer, rabbits, many pests, and most diseases, they are perfect for interplanting and bordering your vegetable garden. Many gardeners swear that these lovely plants not only add color to a garden but are resistant to issues in general that they impart upon the neighboring plants as well. The bright blooms seem to bring in pollinators while simultaneously repelling damaging moths and other garden pests.
About Bolero French Marigold Garden Seeds
Marigolds are one of the most popular edible flowers on the market. Not only are they gorgeous garnishes, but they are said to have health benefits like aiding skin conditions and varicose veins too.
Marigolds are in the same family (Asteraceae) of plants as sunflowers and daisies. Their family trade is show business!
Bolero French Marigolds have 2-inch wide blooms that will keep popping up all season, especially if the old blooms are removed quickly.
Marigolds are originally native to Mexico and Guatemala. They were discovered by English explorers in the 16th century and brought back to Europe. They quickly spread in popularity from England to northern Africa.
French Marigolds are even easier to care for than African Marigolds. They are recommended to any gardener with any experience level. They have a longer blooming season and are known to tolerate slightly more extremes in weather better than African Marigolds.
Marigolds are one of the main decorations in the celebration ‘Dia de los Muertos’ where the Mexican culture celebrates their heritage and ancestors who came before them. For this reason, they symbolize family and multigenerational bonds.
Bolero Marigolds won the All-American Selections award in 1970, where they became nationally recognized as a fantastic garden plant and beautiful bloomer. There is not much information cataloged about why Bolero Marigolds were chosen, but it is not hard to hypothesize!
Stories From Our Gardeners
"In my mind, marigolds are a no-brainer. They are edible, repel pests, require little attention once established, and provide gorgeous, bright blooms. I mean, come on! They are perfect for almost any garden and gardener. If you haven’t grown them before, this is your sign! "
- Lara Wadsworth, True Leaf Market Writer
Bolero French Marigold Seeds Per Package:
1 g - Wholesale - Approximately 282 Seeds
0.25 oz - Wholesale - Approximately 2,000 Seeds
1 oz - Wholesale - Approximately 8,000 Seeds
4 oz - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 32,000 Seeds
1 lb - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 128,000 Seeds
Non-GMO Bolero French Marigold seeds are available for Fast Free Shipping on orders over $75.