Lettuce Seeds - Leaf - Green Ice
Green Ice leaf lettuce is glossy with fingered dark green leaves. Leaves are loose and wrinkled with frilled edges. This lettuce is deliciously crispy even when grown in the heat...
Cress Seeds - Curled (Organic)
Non-GMO, Heirloom Organic Curled Cress Herb Garden Seed from True Leaf Market. Lepidium sativum. Cress is native to Persia, which is known as West Asia. Organic Curled Cress is herbaceous...
Pepper Seeds - Hot - Santa Fe Grande
80-89 Days to maturity (from transplant). Capsicum annuum. Santa Fe Grande Pepper Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, open-pollinated, heirloom, high yielding, deer resistant, heat tolerant, drought tolerant, hot-type pepper with mild heat...
Malabar Spinach Seeds - Big Round Leaf
Malabar Spinach Seeds - Big Round Leaf. Heirloom, Basella alba. 50-60 days. Warm season annual. Non GMO. Open pollinated. This is a green big leaf variety. Leaves are thick. Slow...
Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme
Malabar Spinach Seeds - Green Vines Supreme. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Basella alba. 60 days. Warm season annual/perennial. Malabar spinach thrives in warm weather and is tolerant of heat and humidity. It...
Lettuce Seeds - Leaf - Salad Bowl Red
40-50 days. Loose leaf type. Large upright plants, long deep-lobed bronze leaves, bronze-red inner balanced leaves, good keeper and decorative. These non-GMO Salad Bowl Red seeds grow into red leaves...
Alyssum Seeds - Wonderland Series
63-77 days. Annual Flower. Open pollinated. Wonderland Series Alyssum flower seeds are a classic and award-winning addition to any home or garden this season. Wonderland Series Alyssum is a Fleuroselect...
Radish - Minowase - Microgreens Seeds
6 to 10 days. A Daikon-type of radish microgreen with cool white stems and dark green cotyledons. Minowase Radish is an ideal microgreen on the spicy side of flavor, but...
Yellow Pea - Organic - Sprouting Seeds
2-4 Days. Pisum sativum. Sprouting. High Germination. Organic. A popular variation to the traditional green pea, Organic yellow pea sprouting seeds offer a bright and colorful substitution. Non-GMO Organic yellow...
Rye - Winter (Organic) - Grass Seeds
This is rye grain (Secale cereale) - not Ryegrass (Lolium). It is not for over-seeding lawns. Grow just like wheatgrass and barleygrass, and discover how rich the flavor of Rye...
Bells of Ireland Seeds
98-112 days. Bells of Ireland seeds promise exotic, unmistakable, and low-maintenance blooms native to the cool and dry highlands of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Bells of Ireland boast 24-36" tall...
Seed Assortment - Salad
Start your own salad garden seeds indoors and get a jump on the growing season. Also perfect for transplanting to indoor planters for year-round container gardening. Cultivate your own fresh,...
Lettuce Seeds - Crisphead - Great Lakes Mesa 659
Great Lakes Mesa 659 crisphead lettuce is often found at grocery stores. Round iceberg heads are strong and firm with uniform leaves. Download Free Vegetable Growing Guide PDF Lettuce Seeds...
Pea Seeds - Taiwan Sugar - Organic
Pisum sativum (63 days) This sumptuously sweet sugar pea comes from Taiwan. The queen of the Orient, this is THE sugar pea to use in stir fries. Also excellent raw...
Leafy Greens Seed Assortment - 7 Pack
Everyone knows that leafy greens are packed with essential nutrients. This collection goes beyond that to show that they can be beautiful and flavorful. From spicy arugula to tender lettuce,...
Pepper Seeds - Sweet - Chinese Giant (Organic)
73-90 Days to maturity (from transplant). Capsicum annuum. Organic Chinese Giant Pepper Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, open-pollinated, organic, heirloom, sweet pepper with no heat. 0 Scoville Heat Units. Suitable for growing...
Chard Seeds - Perpetual Spinach
Not spinach at all, but because it still keeps giving healthy green leaves during the heat when most spinach has gone to seed it does seem perpetual or never ending....
Corn Salad Seeds - French
French Corn Salad Seeds. 40 Days. Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds. Valerianella olitoria. AKA: Lamb's Lettuce, Mache. Corn salad is a leafy green vegetable with substantial leaves with a nutty flavor...
Garbanzo Bean - Organic - Cover Crop Seeds
100 Days. Cicer arietinum. Cover Crop. Organic. Heirloom. Similar to Daikon radish and mustard cover crops, Organic garbanzo bean seed is grown for its uniquely deep taproot known to break...
Spinach Seeds - Lakeside - Hybrid
Spinach Seeds - Lakeside - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Spinacea oleracea. 25-30 days maturity for baby leaf, 40-60 days to full maturity. Cool season annual. Lakeside has uniform thick dark green smooth...
Lettuce Seeds - Jericho - Organic
Silky smooth neon green romaine leaves reach for the sky in this amazing lettuce with origins in the desert. Jericho hails from Israel and is no stranger to the heat....
Cucumber Seeds - Beit Alpha CMR/MMR
The Beit Alpha CMR/MMR cucumber is an excellent addition to any home garden. Each cucumber has a medium green exterior and very small black spine. This cucumber grows straight and...
Barley (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
This Steptoe barley seed is unhulled, which gives it an outstanding germination rate. This barley is best used for sprouting and growing barley grass but will need to be hulled...
Licorice Seeds
Glycyrrhiza glabra or otherwise known as Licorice. This wonderful plant grows wild around the Mediterranean and Asia areas. Licorice is a perennial, a good plant to grow to attract pollinators....
Gourd Seeds - Nam Tao Ngam - India Type -...
45-50 Days to maturity. Lagenaria siceraria. India Type Nam Tao Ngam Hybrid Seeds. Annual, Hybrid. India Type Nam Tao Ngam produces vigorously growing vines and 18-20" long bright green gourd...
Cucumber Seeds - Marketmore 80
Cucumis sativus (61 days) 8-9 x 2.25-2.5 in. fruit, dark green, even in hot weather, sweet mild flavor, tapers at both ends, blocky, white spines, and no stippling. Approx 1,100...
Pepper Seeds - Hot - Poblano Ancho Grande
70-79 Days to maturity (from transplant). Capsicum annuum. Ancho Grande Pepper Seeds. Non-GMO, annual,open-pollinated, heirloom, hot-type pepper with mild heat levels. 1,000 to 2,000 Scoville Heat Units. Suitable for growing...
Orach Seeds - Purple
Non-GMO, Heirloom Purple Orach Vegetable Garden Seed from True Leaf Market. Atriplex hortensis. Purple Orach Seeds originated in Europe and Siberia as one of the oldest grown cool season crops"...
Sorghum Seeds - Rox Orange Syrup Cane
Rox Orange Syrup Cane. Sorghum. Sorghum bicolor. 70-80 days. Open Pollinated. Heirloom. Non-GMO. AKA: Broom Corn. Though technically a variety of grass, Rox Orange Syrup sorghum grows a dramatic and...
Lavender Seeds - Hidcote
Hidcote Blue Lavender Seeds. Non-GMO. Matures in the 2nd year. Lavandula angustifolia. Perennial in Zones 4 - 10. This lavender is one of the most fragrant of all lavenders and...
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