Downloadable Free Cover Crop Growing Guide
Growing Non-GMO Organic Oat and Peas Cover Crop Mix Seeds
Sow at 5 lb./1,000 sq.ft., or about 120-200 lb./acre. Scatter or broadcast seed at the recommended rate and lightly rake in or plant up to 2 inches deep. Irrigate at the time of planting and regularly throughout its life if natural rainfall is insufficient. Plant in either early spring for planting late crops, or sow in the late summer or fall to winter-kill.
Once at maturity, this crop can be harvested for forage or human consumption. Or, cut down at the base, and mulched in. Terminate this crop by either rolling, crimping, mowing, or controll burning the area. It is recommended to wait about 14 days before planting a cash crop after terminating a cover crop.
Benefits of the Organic Oat and Peas Cover Crop Mix
Organic Peas are nitrogen fixators and will rejuvenate the soil with nitrogen. Organic Oats offer wonderful organic matter once decomposed and act as a companion plant and structure for the peas to climb up.
About the Organic Oat and Peas Cover Crop Mix Mix Seeds
This annual cover crop will die whenever there is frost or snow, making it easy for any beginner or home grower. Perennial cover crops have their advantages, but they require more attention to prevent weedy habits.
Use this mix to preserve and improve the soil health of your garden or field between crops. It may also be used as feed for appropriate animals.
This mix can be terminated at any time necessary. The young seedlings and tendrils are good to eat in salads.
The highest biomass is seen with spring sowing , or as soon as the soil can be worked. It can also be utilized with a late summer or fall planting for winter termination.
Cover crops need to be terminated 2-3 weeks before growing a crop for harvesting.
Organic Oat and Pea Cover Crop Mix
Crop |
Scientific Name |
Percent of Mix |
Organic Dun Peas
Pisum sativum subsp. arvense |
70% |
Organic Oats
Avena sativa |
30% |
* This mix does not contain any inoculant. We recommend using our Legume Inoculant for healthier development. Mix 0.05 oz of inoculant powder with 0.25 tbsp of water. Roll seeds around the mixture and plant within 12 hours.
Tips From Our Gardeners
"This is the perfect cover crop for heavy nitrogen feeders. If you plan to plant and harvest broccoli, tomatoes, okra, pumpkins, or any other crop that requires lots of nitrogen available in the soil, this is the optimal choice to precede them with. It will ultimately reduce your fertilizer use."
- Lara Wadsworth, True Leaf Market Writer
Other Resources
No-Till Organic Oat and Peas Cover Crop Mix Seed Coverage:
- 4 oz - Bulk Seeds - About 1,740 Seeds - Covers Approximately 50 square feet
- 1 lb - Bulk Seeds - About 6,960 Seeds - Covers Approximately 200 square feet
- 5 lb - Bulk Seeds - About 34,800 Seeds - Covers Approximately 1,000 square feet
- 25 lb - Bulk Seeds - About 174,000 Seeds - Covers Approximately 5,000 square feet
Non-GMO Organic Oat and Peas Cover Crop Mix seeds are available for Fast Free Shipping on qualifying orders.