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91-98 days. Halloween II pansy seeds are a stunning, compact, and "spooky" addition to grow in any home or garden. Halloween II seeds promise one of the most unique seasonal...
Organic Vivian Romaine Lettuce Seeds. 50 days to full maturity. 28 days to maturity for baby leaves. Lactuca sativa. Open Pollinated. Non-GMO. Annual. Approx. 25,000 Seeds per ounce. Download Free...
105-112 days. Diana Series Mix dianthus seeds deliver huge explosions of pink, burgundy, fuchsia, velvet, magenta, and white on such a dwarfed plant. Diana Series Mix matures to just 8...
Pisum sativum (65 days) Developed by Dr. James Baggett, of Oregon State University. This edible-pod snow pea is not only extra sweet, but an extremely heavy yielder. Pea pods are...
Celosia plumosa 18 inches. AAS Winner for 2007. Offering season-long garden color with minimal care these new celosias perform like a fresh arrangement all summer. Thriving is all kinds...
2nd Year Maturity. Queen Series salvia seeds are an elegant, vibrant, yet hardy grow where other salvia plants would decline. Queen Series seeds grow neat 12-20 inch leafy salvias bursting...
Vegetable Marrow White Bush Squash Seeds. 80 to 100 Days. Open Pollinated, Non-GMO, Heirloom. Summer Squash. AKA: White Lebanese Squash. This heirloom squash variety hails from Lebanon, and has a...
115-121 days. Madame Butterfly Mix snapdragon seeds promise to turn any stale summer bedding into an award-winning garden this season! Madame Butterfly snapdragons are a 2016 Association of Specialty Cut...
Wasabi Mustard Seeds. Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth. Non-GMO. 45 days. This mustard has large green leaves with wavy edges and a fun wasabi-like bite. Easy to grow in your...
2nd Year Maturity. Robinson's Mixture Painted Daisy seeds promise a stunning and exotic Asian twist to the more traditional daisies commonly grown in the United States. Painted Daisy seeds grow...
91-98 days. Mixed Colors Iceland poppy seeds grow year-round brilliance in your home or garden when others can not. Often planted as annuals, Mixed Colors Iceland poppy seeds are perennials...
Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - Hotau Improved - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Annual. Brassica rapa Chinensis group. 30-40 days. Cool-warm season. This is a mini type pak choi that you see...
98 - 112 days. Royal Family Mix sweet pea seeds promise to grow a touch of the Mediterranean in your home, garden, or patio. Sweet pea Royal Family Mix seeds...
2nd Year Maturity. Dragonfly Mix seeds deliver a wonderfully unique and vibrant alternative to the traditional columbine. Dragonfly Mix seeds grow brilliant and tidy 18-24 inch tall columbine wildflowers ideal...
45 days. 20 days for baby leaf. With a mild peppery mustard flavor, this green is great for salads as a baby green or a full-size green. The stalk has...
Cucumis sativus (65 days) Also known as "Apple Cucumber" and "Crystal Lemon". An heirloom that was popular "Down Under" in New Zealand/Australia for some time before appearing in Ferry Morse's...
Celosia spicata 18 to 26 inches. This 'Wheat-type' celosia is used primarily for cut flowers. Produces plumes of light pink that later fade to white under high heat. Approximately 39,000...
Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Kyoto No. 3. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Brassica rapa Pekinensis group. 80 days. Cool season annual. A Japanese heirloom or dento yasai variety of Japan, this cabbage has...
Fingers Green Eggplant Seeds. Solanum melongena. 70 days to maturity. Open Pollinated, Annual. Can be grown in containers. The plant produces light green fruits that are thin and tender. About...
84-91 days. Supernova primula seeds promise delicate and early Spring blooms to your garden when others can not. Supernova seeds grow vigorous, frost-hardy primulas that thrive in a wide range...
Komatsuna Mustard Seeds - Summer Fest - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Brassica rapa var. perviridis. Alt names: komatsuna, mustard spinach, tender green mustard. 21 days in summer, Warm season annual. 50-70 days...
Cucumis sativus (55 days) This is said to be the absolute best non-hybrid pickling cucumber. Wisconsin SMR-58 produces massive yields of mild-flavored (perfect for soaking up spices), small cucumbers that...
115-121 days. Maximum Mix seeds promise some of the tallest, brightest, and most vivid snapdragons growing in any garden. Maximum Mix snapdragon seeds grow timeless and elegant blooms bursting with...
60 days. Pink Lipstick Swiss Chard is named after the bright pink hue of its stems and veins. Plants grow green delicious leaves that can be used as bitter and...
80-100 days. Telstar Series Mix dianthus seeds boast elegant 1-2 inch blooms of fuchsia, velvet, magenta, and white to reinvigorate any stale garden this summer. Pelleted seed. Telstar Series Mix...
Beta vugaris (70 days) Lutz Green Leaf is known for its long standing storage capabilities. Also known by many as "winterkeeper" beets. Lutz has roots that are about 6" in...
Fireworks Ornamental Pepper Seeds. 80 - 90 days to maturity. Capsicum annuum. Heirloom, Annual. Fireworks is an upright ornamental pepper with fruits ranging in color from white, yellow, orange-red, and...
91-98 days. Swiss Giant Mix pansy seeds grow a compact yet nevertheless dazzling alternative to the traditional viola. Swiss Giant Mix is easy to grow from seed and promises neat...
Cucurbita pepo (80 days) Table King is absolutely one of the finest winter acorn squash. Here is a squash that will produce loads of fruit on compact bush size plants...