First, we want to thank all of you who entered the contest. We were overwhelmed by the number of submissions and by how much creativity each of you put into your photos. We were thrilled to see all of the beautiful gardens, both large and small, microgreen and vegetable.
The entire creative team here at True Leaf Market is so inspired by the diverse ways all of you use True Leaf Market seeds. The photos really showcased how incredibly beneficial it is to grow your own seed no matter where you are in the country! We really have the best customers in the world! Bottom line: the fall garden photo contest was a huge success that I hope has brought True Leaf Market and its customers closer together.
On to the results! It was a tough choice, but through a blind ballot system, we were able to come up with three winners!
She grows an acre of vegetables and flowers in Livingston ,Montana.
She started indoor gardening in the early days of Covid quarantine. She knew she would one day start photographing my plants, but this contest mobilized her into action.
He is a retired Research Immunologist who is now a Master Gardener in Northern California.
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