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Carrots For Your Spring Garden

About the Author

Ashleigh Smith
I'm Ashleigh Smith, a native to Northern Utah. I first gained a love of gardening with my grandmother as I helped her each summer.

I decided to make a career of it and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Brigham Young University - Idaho. My studies have focused on plant production while I also have experience in Nursery & Garden Center Operations.

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  • Brad Apr 19, 2022

    If your soil is poor I would recommend raised beds or containers for carrots. You can create whatever type of soil you need by adding leaf compost, soil, sand, manure, and perlite. Looser soil grows big root veggies. You can probably get a higher yield from several containers with good soil than one large traditional area with poor and rocky soil. Same for potatoes.

  • Marlene Bradley Mar 29, 2022

    living in oklahoma, our soil is a mix of sand and clay. I have a hard time growing carrots. Not sure if its the weather or just bad soil. what would you suggest/

  • Gerald A. McDonald Mar 22, 2022

    It is expensive to use most of your products in Canada. Were you to supply service to Canada we would use many of your products. For example I paid over $20.00 + freight for 20 seeds which if available in Canada would be about $4 to $6. The only reason I purchased from you is fact that noone in Canada carries seed desired. (Husky Red-6-7 oz. fruit. patio tomato)

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