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At True Leaf Market, you can navigate through our products by category, finding everything you need to begin growing today. From supplies to seeds, from grow kits to making kits, we have it. We carry supplements, vegan kitchen items, and natural skincare products to help you to continue living holistically.

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Legend: H for Heirloom, O for Organic, A for AAS Winner, F for staff favorites
146 Items
{ "manual": "Featured", "best-selling": "Best selling", "title-ascending": "Alphabetically, A-Z", "title-descending": "Alphabetically, Z-A", "price-ascending": "Price, low to high", "price-descending": "Price, high to low", "created-ascending": "Date, old to new", "created-descending": "Date, new to old" }
Flower Seeds - Arabis Spring CharmArabis Seeds - Perennial
Arabis Seeds - Spring Charm
Starting at $4.89
Linaria Seeds Spurred Snapdragon Northern Lights flowers
Staff Favorite
Linaria Seeds - Spurred Snapdragon - Northern Lights
Starting at $2.49
Wildflower Seeds - Annual MixTrue Leaf Market Flower Seed Packaging Bag
Wildflower Seeds - Annual Mix
Starting at $3.49
Bellis (English Daisy) Seeds - Pomponette MixTrue Leaf Market Flower Seed Packaging
Bellis (English Daisy) Seeds - Pomponette Mix
Starting at $2.89
Queen Lime blush Zinnia FlowerMountain Valley Seed Packaging
Zinnia Seeds - Queeny Lime Blush
Starting at $5.89
Zinnia Seeds - Cactus Flowered MixZinnia Seeds - Cactus Flowered Mix
Zinnia Seeds - Cactus Flowered Mix
Starting at $2.89
Sword Bean - Akanata MamePremium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Sword Bean - Akanata Mame
Starting at $3.99
Organic Zinnia Seeds Thumbelina MixZinnia Seeds Organic Thumbelina Mix Seed Packet
Zinnia Seeds - Thumbelina Mix - Organic
Starting at $3.09
Peony Bulbs - Dr. Alexander Fleming
Peony Bulbs - Dr. Alexander Fleming
Starting at $15.99
Peony Bulbs - Coral Sunset
Peony Bulbs - Coral Sunset
Starting at $22.99
Darwin Hybrid Mixed Tulips
Tulip Bulbs - Darwin Hybrid - Mixed
Double Late Mixed Tulips
Tulip Bulbs - Double Late - Mixed
Pink Impression Darwin Hybrid Tulip
Tulip Bulbs - Darwin Hybrid - Pink Impression
Hyacinth Bulbs - Pink Surprise
Hyacinth Bulbs - Pink Surprise
Hyacinth Bulbs - Mixed
Hyacinth Bulbs - Mixed
Peony Bulbs - Shirley Temple
Peony Bulbs - Shirley Temple
Starting at $16.99
Double Early Mixed Tulips
Tulip Bulbs - Double Early - Mixed
Asclepias Seeds - Common Milkweed (Organic)
Starting at $4.29
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